Page 108 of The Rival

He realized he didn’t quite know what to do with a woman in his house. Maybe he was half-feral. He had often thought so.

He didn’t have the occasion to hone social graces, and he really didn’t have experience with this kind of thing. Sharing food with someone he’d just had sex with.

It struck him how much he felt like a virgin right then.

And he didn’t like that. And every time, he realized, Quinn did something that butted up against that insecurity of his, he got mad at her. He was really just mad at the world.

He had a feeling Quinn could relate.

He wondered then if he was no better than a little boy who had been pulling pigtails on a playground.

He liked her. And there was part of him that had acknowledged that already. He liked her.

She was spirited, and she was beautiful and cute. All those things.

He’d tried to compete with Four Corners by signing that contract, and he’d let Brian Sullivan guide him because it had seemed like someone from Four Corners would understand the business of making money.

For all the good it had done him.

But Quinn wasn’t at fault for that. She hadn’t caused any of the problems.

She hadn’t created any of the systems.

And he’d been so busy feeling threatened by everything that she was...

You were probably right to be.

Maybe. Because here she was in his kitchen, eating his ice cream, so that said quite a few things about just how much of a threat she was.

He wasn’t going to get mad at her. Not now.

Because it wasn’t her. It never had been.

And one thing was certain—he wasn’t sharing. He didn’t want to take advantage of her. In fact, apparently he had something to learn from the situation.

“I don’t really know what comes after this,” he said.

“Me, either,” said Quinn. “I’m blessedly free of expectation.”

So was he. Because sex had never been this.

Another area of his life where he’d had to skip important steps.

He laughed. “Oh, come on now. I don’t totally believe that. You must have an expectation of some kind.”

“I really didn’t. The ice cream has actually exceeded any expectation I might have had.”

“Right. Well. Quinn... Are you able to get home all right?”

He felt wrong asking that, but they had already left his room, and he didn’t fully feel right about having her spend the night, either. So maybe he should. Maybe he should put her dress and socks and underwear in the dryer and take her back up in his bed.

Then he could have her again.

That, he realized right away, was a bad idea. She was new at this. He couldn’t go doing it all over again so quickly.

“Yeah,” she said, nodding, digging into the ice cream bowl even deeper. “I can make it home. I should get home soon anyway. Because, you know... My sisters.”

She couldn’t spend the night. That was kind of a relief. She couldn’t spend the night because her sisters would worry.