Page 5 of Searching for Hope

“Okay, okay, I get it.” Cal spread his hands in surrender. “It was a bad idea. All of it was a bad idea.”

Connelly sighed and his expression softened. “Look, I get what it’s like being in love with someone who doesn’t return the feelings. It sucks. But using manipulative tactics isn’t going to change her mind. It will only end up hurting her.”

He opened his mouth to respond, but Connelly’s phone sounded, and he shut his mouth as Conn dug the thing out of his pocket and checked the screen.

“Shit.” Connelly grabbed his laptop and stuffed it into his battered leather case. “Call out. I gotta go.”

“Where?” On top of being a former pararescue jumper and best-selling author, Connelly also served as a medic for Redwood Coast Rescue’s K9 search and rescue team. His wife Veronica was their pilot.

“Up on the mountain.” He jerked his chin toward the mountain looming against the blue summer sky to the northeast of town.

Cal stood. “I’ll help.”

“We can always use more volunteers, but don’t you have lawyer shit to do?”

“That’s the great thing about self-employment, my man. I set my own hours.”

“I hear that.” Connelly studied him for a moment. “You’re not just volunteering because Ellie will be there?”

Genuine surprise coursed through Cal. “Wait, Ellie will be there?”

“Probably. Her dog’s training for SAR.”

Cal swallowed, realizing he’d walked right into a situation he had just sworn to avoid. But, backing out now would seem petty and cowardly. “I... didn’t know that,” he admitted, striving for nonchalance. “But I swear I’m not volunteering because of Ellie. I’m volunteering because you guys always need extra help and I have the time.”

Connelly held his gaze for a moment longer before nodding approvingly. “Good answer.” He stood up and started to walk away, then turned back and shoved a hand against Cal’s chest. “One more piece of relationship advice, Holden. If Ellie ever does give you another shot, don’t fuck it up again. You won’t get a third chance.”

The rescue went about as smoothly as rescue could. One of the dogs easily found the injured hiker in a canyon right off the main trail, and within hours, the guy was patched up by Connelly and airlifted to the nearest hospital by Veronica.

Ellie had indeed been there with Puzzle, his fuzzy golden tail wagging furiously in excitement at all the commotion. She scrambled over the rough terrain, not caring about the dirt or sweat coating her face, and patiently gave the puppy instructions and encouragement when he went awry. She always threw herself wholeheartedly into whatever she did.

It was just another reason Cal loved her.

But he kept his distance, sticking to Connelly’s advice about giving her space. Instead, he focused on helping where he could—lugging equipment up the trail, handing out water bottles to the searchers. And if he were honest with himself, he found he genuinely enjoyed being part of the rescue effort.

The sun was setting by the time they made it back to Redwood Coast Rescue’s headquarters. Ellie was there, too, sitting on a bench with her curly blonde hair pulled up into a ponytail, her face now cleaned of dirt. There was a lightness about her now that he hadn’t seen before. She laughed and joked with the team like she’d always been a member. Knowing he wasn’t part of her happiness hurt. But at the same time, if this was what she wanted—to be free of him—then he would respect it.

Cal’s heart flipped when she looked up and their eyes met. There was a momentary flash of surprise in her gaze before it turned cold. She quickly looked away, moving her attention back to Alexis who was saying something while gesturing with her hands.

“Hey.” Zak Hendricks clapped a hand on Cal’s shoulder, pulling him out of his thoughts. “Great work today.”

“Yeah, thanks,” Cal said, trying to keep his voice steady. “Glad I could help.”

“You’re a good man, Holden.”

That brought a bitter smile to his face as his gaze drifted back to Ellie. “I wish she believed that.”

Zak followed his gaze and smirked. “She’s a tough one, our Ellie. Got a heart as big as the ocean, but walls thicker than a bank vault.”

“You wouldn’t know how to break into a bank vault, would you?”

“Sorry, man. Not my area of expertise.”

Ellie’s eyes met his. She quickly looked away, but not before he saw a flicker of something else in her gaze—uncertainty? Sympathy?

His heart clenched in his chest. He wanted to go to her, to ask her if there was any chance they could try again, to tell her how much he missed being with her.

But instead, he turned to Zak. “I’m gonna head home. I have a long day in court tomorrow.”