While they debated about who was supposed to stay behind, the men returned and declared that Melody was not at the church. They left shortly, while Neo tried to come to terms with how frail Adriano was. Ridden with guilt, that he’d wasted days trying to solve this riddle alone when the answer was right there in the form of his captain, he made a silent promise that from this point on, he had to trust the team. There was no way he could do this on his own.

He glanced over at Neeky who was riding beside him in the back of the SUV. She’d been right about him needing to start acting like a DeLuca. His uncle was also right, but that didn’t mean he was okay with her being there. He couldn’t quite understand why he felt a jolt every time he looked at her, or why he was incensed by her presence. And that moment inside when she had him up against the wall was an enigma. What was that response all about? If nothing else, he was quite confused.

* * *

Adriano’s condition was not good. The most the doctors could tell Neo was that the old injury had flared due to trauma to the head. The people who did this to Adriano must have known about his old injury and what happened three decades ago. The medical team would work nonstop to ensure his recovery. In the meantime, he was tasked with the responsibility to find his mother and guide the family.

The beep from the monitor was the only sound in the room. Neo reached out and touched the part of his father’s face not covered in bandages. He looked across at the monitor to see if there was any change in the heart and brain waves. Nothing.

The tears were threatening to surface again, however Neo knew he had to remain strong for his family’s sake. But seeing the tubes and wires attached to the powerful Adriano DeLuca was almost too much to handle.

As he stood there, he pondered on what else he could do to get to the bottom of this. A team was scouring the old chapel for clues that might tell them who did this and why. So far, they found nothing, but Neo instructed them to keep searching. The tech team was trying to unencrypt his father’s cell phone in an attempt to find some trace from the call. But Neo wasn’t confident they would find anything there. The one thing he was certain of was that he would stop at nothing until he found the ones responsible.

“Those bastards will pay,” he seethed as he caressed his father’s bandaged head. “I promise you Dad.”