Eve and I are going to enjoy the music festival today, and then tomorrow we’ll have a serious talk.
Chapter Fifteen
My alarm chimed and I reached over to turn it off. I glanced at the clock wondering where the day went. I’m meeting Max on the beach and we’re walking down to his place for dinner. But first, Grace should be calling.
That last thought just crossed my mind when my computer, phone, and iPad buzzed at the same time. I opened the app on my computer and Grace’s face appeared on my screen.
“Hi honey!”
“Mom! I just found out that I aced my third paper!” she said.
“That’s amazing! Congratulations!”
She’d been texting grades from papers and tests through the week, but was waiting on this last one to come in. After telling me the grade she received, and explaining its equivalent to US grades and filled me in on her week. Lots of classes and studying, but also fun times with friends. Most parents would be worried about the former, but I’m just as concerned about the latter. But I’m fortunate because Grace has always been a good student.
“And the most exciting news of the week is that I saw a story online that said Chase and Corbin are doing a reunion show. It’s supposed to be a limited series.”
I rolled my eyes and chuckled.
“That’s as big as you killing it at Cambridge?”
“Mom, you know how much I love that show.”
“Oh I know. The walls of your room are still covered with posters.”
“I took some of them down.”
“Yeah, the ones of Chase.”
She scrunched her nose.
“You know I’ve always been a Corbin girl.”
The show is about two brothers. One was portrayed as the high school stud while his stepbrother was chubby and awkward. Grace had a crush on the latter.
“So how’s the book coming along?” she asked when she was telling me the details of the article that may or may not be true. It felt like I was having a conversation with middle-school Grace again.
“I’m almost done. I just have two more chapters to write. Three with the bonus epilogue.”
“Mom, that’s so awesome! I’m so glad Aunt Winnie convinced you to go to Seaside. The change of space really helped.” She narrowed her eyes and studied my face. “Unless there’s something else going on there in Seaside. A little romance maybe?”
“Why do you say that?”
“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “There’s just something there. A twinkle, a glow, a blush,” she said with dramatic flair. “You’re the romance author, help me out here.”
I still haven’t mentioned Max to her. Yes, she’s an adult, but she’s also my daughter. Since I expected Max to be a summer fling, I didn’t see a reason to tell her about him. But now that we’ve spent so much time together, chances are I’ll say something about him when telling her about my time here. Plus I have tons of pictures of him. Obviously I could hide them, but why should I?
“There is a man I’ve been seeing.”
“Mom! Writing and dating? Seaside has been good for you. Maybe you should stay longer.”
I shook my head.
“This isn’t my real life. I have to get back home.”
“Why?” Before I could think of an answer, she said, “How many writers do you know