Page 9 of The Kraken's Kiss

“Fate has bestowed upon us a rare gift, Nerissa. The gods have chosen you for me and me for you. Do not take something so precious for granted,” Egon murmurs, pausing to bring his lips close to mine. His hand gently cups my cheek, and his tender kiss begins to dissolve the remnants of my resolve.

“I know this is precious, Egon. Perhaps I didn’t fully understand my own dreams until my fate was revealed here, but it feels as though your soul has been calling to mine for as long as I can remember. My heart knew yours the instant we met, and my body has yearned for yours ever since. I will continue to crave your touch until you claim me. I understand what I need to do, Papa,” I confess. “But I fear I may not be ready for everything you have to offer.” I pull away from his kiss, still close enough to inhale his breath and lift my eyes to him.

Egon brushes his nose across my forehead, inhales deeply, shuddering slightly, and buries his face in my hair. “You smell ready, little girl. You’re aroused and ripe for your king.” His sultry voice awakens something within me, a desire I’ve fought to suppress now surging forth with overwhelming force.

It consumes every thought, every sense, leaving me breathless. This tidal wave of emotion sweeps away all hesitation, filling me with a profound passion that I quickly realize everything is about to change.

“Ripe?” My eyes snap open, suddenly wide with realization as the significance of Egon’s words pierces through the haze of my lust-addled mind. A mix of surprise and clarity floods through me as I grapple with his implication, suddenly aware that a thick tentacle has slowly slid between my legs.

It slithers back and forth with a steady rhythm, gaining momentum as it rises higher with each pass. Gradually, it approaches the apex of my thighs, and the tip slides between my folds, making contact with my swollen clit. I quiver with need and instinctively spread my legs wider, giving myself room to grind onto the thick, smooth appendage.

Egon groans. “Do you like that little girl? Do you like spreading your honey all over your papa?” He winds another tentacle around my waist and slips it between my breasts, unfastening my makeshift top and letting it fall to the ocean floor.

I nod, lost in the motion and pleasure of the tiny suckers nuzzling on my clit. “You’re not playing fair, Egon.” I attempt to save face while my eyes slowly roll back in my head. “How am I meant to resist this?”

“You’re not. You’re meant to give me everything, Nerissa,” Egon purrs, sealing his lips to mine, tightening his grip, and increasing the friction between my thighs. His ruthless intention is clear. He believes I won’t be able to resist temptation because a weak human female is no match for the Kraken.

I pull back abruptly, steeling my spine and summoning all my willpower to resist the pull of his embrace. With a deep breath, I muster every ounce of strength and plunge backward through the water. The cool currents envelop me, providing a brief respite from the fiery desire that had threatened to consume me. Turning to face him with a defiant spark in my eye, I issue a playful yet challenging taunt, “You’re not as irresistible as you think, King Egon. If you truly want me, you’ll have to catch me.”

chapter thirteen

The gods chose wisely for me. My spirited little girl knows well that I am a hunter at heart, and nothing thrills me more than the pursuit of my precious prey.

Aware that she cannot outswim me, Nerissa still gives it her all in a valiant attempt to escape. Every few seconds, she casts a teasing glance over her shoulder, perhaps to check if I remain in pursuit. And, of course, I am. Each playful look and each burst of speed from her only fuels my desire to catch her. Nothing could pull me away from this exhilarating moment.

My heart pounds with anticipation as I realize she’s steering toward Echo Island, one of the many sanctuaries I’ve claimed and meticulously prepared over the years, envisioning it as a haven for my mate. Perhaps she thinks I’m bound to the water, unable to pursue her onto the shore. So far, I haven’t demonstrated my ability to move on land, and she might be under the impression that she can taunt me safely from the beach.

She’s in for a revelation. This unexpected turn of events couldn’t have played more perfectly into my plans. She’s about to discover the full extent of what I can do.

Nerissa reaches the sandy shore of Echo Island, her limbs heavy and weary from days of relentless treading in the water. She crawls forward, each movement a testament to her determination. Struggling to regain her balance, she attempts to stand, no doubt fighting against the exhaustion that clings to her like a second skin while regaining her land legs. I allow her time to believe she’s escaped my clutches.

I emerge silently from the shallows, fixing my gaze intently on Nerissa as she sits confidently on the sand, evidently believing she has managed a fleeting respite.

With a mischievous grin, she waves a small hand in triumph and declares, “I’m not so helpless after all?” Her laughter, light and carefree, rings out across the quiet beach. However, her amusement swiftly vanishes, replaced by a look of stunned realization, as I continue my advance onto the shore, demonstrating that the boundaries she presumed existed between us are far more fluid than she imagined.

“Egon!” Nerissa exclaims, her voice tinged with surprise as her eyes widen in alarm, growing even larger as I draw nearer. She awkwardly scuttles backward like a crab, retreating to higher ground in a frantic bid to escape.

I swiftly close the gap between us, a sly smile playing on my lips as I watch her reactions to the unfamiliar sight of my landward movements. Her gaze fixates on my advancing appendages, a mix of curiosity and apprehension crossing her face as she wonders how adept I am on land.

Without uttering a word, I extend my tentacles, swiftly clasping her ankles and lifting her gently into the air. As she dangles, surprised and momentarily powerless, a third and fourth tentacle gracefully encircles her wrists, securing her in a gentle but firm hold. Spread eagle with her arms secured over her head, Nerissa is too stunned to struggle. Gently, I lower her, placing her carefully on the soft, cool sand. I slip my hands beneath her round, supple ass and take a moment to appreciate the mouthwatering beauty of her bare pussy.

“Look at what my little girl has been hiding from me,” I groan and run a finger through her glistening slit. “I’ve waited six hundred years for this moment, Nerissa, and I will savor every minute.” My stomach emits a loud growl of hunger, and I lick my lips, gathering the excess saliva pooling in the corners of my mouth.

Nerissa remains speechless as she watches me lower my head, inhale the scent of her sex, and bury my face in her wet pussy. The taste hits me like a jolt of electricity, shattering my senses and awakening the primal need I’ve fought to suppress. Too tethered to move freely, Nerissa arches her back and digs her fingers into my tentacles, unable to gain purchase against the slippery flesh. I dive deeper into her honeyed canal, and my extraordinarily long tongue pierces through her innocence, sending a trembling shudder vibrating through her limbs.

“E…E…Eg…Papa,” she stammers, unable to pronounce my name when I wedge my tongue inside her, flicking the tender spot inside her until she thrashes against her restraints, convulsing wildly as I acquaint myself with the erogenous zone I’ve heard so much about.

“Stop fighting me. Papa is going to make his little girl a real woman today. You want that, don’t you? You want to be a big girl who knows how to satisfy her papa and king?” I groan, lost in her flesh, devouring the sticky arousal flowing into my mouth.

“Yes, Papa,” Nerissa cries. “Yes, Papa!” Her scream shatters the silence, cutting through the calm with astounding intensity. Startled by the sudden noise, a flock of seagulls erupts into the air, their wings beating rapidly as they scatter into the sky, echoing the disruption with their frantic calls.

The sound of Nerissa’s voice screaming for her papa makes my stiff cock grow to its full length and emerge through the curtain of tentacles that have worked so well in disguising my arousal since the moment we met. “I’ll need my baby girl to tell me if she wants me to stop.” I offer a gentle warning to Nerissa, fully aware of the passionate intensity that our mating rituals can unleash. “I need to make sure we understand each other clearly,” I explain to Nerissa. “Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, ‘no’ might not always mean no. But if you truly need me to stop, say the word ‘blue.’ We must have a clear, unmistakable signal. Can you remember to use that word if you need to?”

Nerissa nods. “Yes. Yes. I’ll say blue if I want you to stop.”

She’s barely finished her sentence when I hoist her onto my hips and place her sweet pussy inches above my steely cock. Nerissa takes a deep breath as her gaze drifts to the one appendage that has yet to touch her. She angles her face and sinks her teeth into her bottom lip as she slowly inspects the size and girth. “I didn’t know you had this,” she admits. “I thought it was all about…”

Her voice falters, words escaping her in the moment, but she communicates in another way. Delicately, she traces her finger along the surface of the nearest tentacle, her gentle touch conveying her intentions and feelings more eloquently than words ever could.