This woman.
She’d listened to everything we’d discussed and every fear I’d shared with her. I still had my concerns, and she understood them well, but that she had found ways in this expansion to take so much into consideration was warming. Every day I fell irrevocably more in love with her. The shy, goofy woman that was an effective silent sniper in her work. The determined daughter, the kind friend, the inspiring partner. I loved all of her sides.
“Thanks, Genevieve, that does ease some of my concerns. As you know, I don’t fully believe that outside developments can remain that altruistic. I also understand the financial decline in our areas, and the need of the many can’t be dictated by one, so I’ll be open.
“The other concern I have, Ms. Ricard, is having a good balance between life and work. My time with my partner and my family is essential for my well-being. Having the autonomy to dictate my work schedule and overall project load while ensuring results is nonnegotiable.”
Genevieve’s impressed gaze washed over me, giving me hope.
Ricard promised to present me with a comprehensive package that I could review before making my final decision, and with that, Gen and I left the room hand in hand, the hope of the future secured.
Moving away from the only home I’d known for my thirty-six years of life hadn’t been an easy decision. Gen’s love and my family’s support carried me through the hard days as I assimilated to a different world, a different culture.
Time used to be a slow friend that allowed me space to enjoy my day and bask in the wonders of it. Now it had become a foe, leaving me breathless as situations happened to me without my control. Unwilling to worry Genevieve I settled for our routines, which helped a bit.
We’d just finished our meditation, and Gen stood by the door, giving me a kiss and a hug that promised to become more until she gently disentangled herself from my arms.
“Fine, leave me like this,” I grumbled.
“Oh my God, why are you acting like we didn’t just have sex last night, and during the early hours this morning and...”
“Okay, okay, you made your point.” I escorted her out of the building with a farewell kiss while I went on my morning walk. Enjoying the unusual cooler breeze, I took my circuitous trek around the block, ending in the grocery store at the corner, where I selected a few chicken breasts and thighs to cook with assorted vegetables for dinner.
Knowing Genevieve, she’d be late today. She’d been most days since I’d moved in with her. Now that everything was in the open, I wanted to share my worries. I respected her drive, and would never impede her career path, but anyone with two eyes could see she was running herself ragged. If she came home inspired every day, that would be one thing, but lately, it was more grumbles than wins when we snuggled under the covers at the end of the day.
After setting my purchases in the fridge, I went to take a shower, enjoying the warm water easing the tension in my muscles, worries for Gen’s well-being and mine swirling with the water.
After taking care of my skin, a task that now was more important than ever with the dryness I experienced from all the air-conditioning, I settled to work on the accounting for both Villa Bonita and LasDell.
Thank God for the Tropics account because it was what was keeping the coffers somewhat stable. After a few hours of numbers swimming on the screen, I paused, needing a break from the artificial lighting of the laptop.
With lunch in my mind, I rummaged through our fridge, looking for cold cuts for a quick sandwich when the lock on our door turned.
Who the fuck could it be at one in the afternoon? Gen was at work, and no one had a spare key. I’d asked her if her mom still had one the other night and she’d assured me that was no longer the case.
Springing to action, all the hairs of my body lifted, and my muscles tensed up prepared for anything. I snatched a cast-iron pan and a knife for extra protection.
By the time Genevieve walked in, I stood in a defensive pose, ready for anything.
“What in the world is happening? Why are you holding my cast-iron pan, and the chef’s knife?”
Breathing hard, I placed the pan on the kitchen counter, followed by the knife, inhaling and exhaling to remove the chest pain from the adrenaline. Then I returned to Gen whose lips had disappeared as she pressed them together. Her shoulders were rigid, as she held her laughter in.
“Go ahead, let it go,” I drawled.
She doubled up, her adorable giggles fizzling out and filling the room with her contagious humor. A few minutes later and we were both doubled up in laughter.
“What...what are you doing here?” I managed between chuckles.
“I took the rest of the day off.”
Arching back in surprise, I followed her as she went into our bedroom, removing her shoes and pencil skirt in the process.
“So my lovin’ advances this morning inspired you to return for more?” I asked, hopeful, as she removed her silk blouse, revealing her smooth dark skin, and her pink lace bra.