“You heard me correctly.”
Holden looked at Easton, and when their eyes locked, he said, “I think I need to hear you say it again.”
A few weeks ago, I would have marched my ass over to the bar in the back of my office and added vodka to this orange juice.
But I was good.
Real good, in fact.
I sucked in more air, holding it in for a second before I said, “I care about her.” I paused, knowing this part was going to be even harder to say. “And I want more with her.”
Easton’s hands lifted into the air, and he groaned, “Praise fucking be.”
“What the hell does that mean?” I asked.
“Just some show that Drake’s been making me watch and it stuck in my head—it doesn’t matter. What matters is that I’m happy as hell to hear this news.”
Holden couldn’t stop smiling. “I’m so pleased you finally came around. I knew you would, it was just a matter of when you were going to admit it to yourself.”
My exhale was louder than I intended it to be. “It’s been a long road.”
“And not just with Jovana.” Holden’s voice was soft, his expression considerate as he inched his way to a topic I didn’t want to discuss.
I appreciated the recognition and that he hadn’t said my mother’s name.
I rubbed my sweaty hands over my jeans. “So, now you know why there’s a problem and how these feelings are causing this situation to be even more fucked up.” I pulled a file off my desk, opening the top to show the spreadsheet I’d printed out early this morning. At the bottom, I’d circled three numbers in red, which were the current membership totals for each arm. “What Jovana and I are doing is working. These numbers prove that.” I pointed at the red circles. “We’ve regained nineteen percent of what we lost in the marriage arm. The other two arms are going up as well.” I clasped my hands together, folding my fingers. “But we’re not fake anymore, fellas. What she and I have is real. And that changes the playing field. All this forced PR and an engagement and marriage—shit, I don’t know how that’s going to affect us.”
Holden looked at Easton.
“Dude, you don’t have a choice at this point.” Easton rubbed his hand over his gelled hair. “You’ve got to keep going. I know it feels fucked up. I know things have changed between you guys. But this is the path we’ve decided to take, and we can’t quit now.”
“Hold on a second, I’m confused.” Now I wanted a goddamn drink. “I’ve shown the world I can settle down. It’s plastered all over my social media and Jovana’s. Therefore, I’ve proven that Hooked works. Business is on the rise. And you’re still going to make me follow through with this marriage?”
“Yes,” Holden said carefully. “Because all you’ve shown so far is that you’re willing to date. You have to show them that you’ve found the love of your life on Hooked, that you’ve proposed and gotten married—that’s the whole point of this.”
“Anyone can date,” Easton added. “But not just anyone is willing to make a commitment that involves vows and deeds and beneficiaries.”
Holden’s expression turned sympathetic. “I know this seems monumental in your world—and it is, trust me, I get that. But as far as business is concerned, Easton’s right: dating Jovana is not nearly enough.”
I fell back in my chair, my hands flattening on top of my head. “This is the first goddamn relationship I’ve ever been in. The first time I’ve ever had feelings for a woman. And our relationship is now going in fast-fucking-forward.” I pushed away from my desk before I lifted something off the top of it and threw it across the room. “I’m meeting her parents soon, and I have to pull her dad aside and ask for his approval to marry his fucking daughter.” I squeezed my eyes shut. “Do you have any idea how hard that’s going to be?” My eyes opened and I glared at my best friends. “To look him in the face and ask a question that I know I’m not ready for? To make promises to him that I don’t know if I’m capable of keeping? To straight-up lie and say I want this marriage more than anything when I’m scared shitless and—”
“We understand.” Easton’s tone was calm.
Far too fucking calm.
“That’s easy for you to say. You’re not the one who has to do it,” I roared.
“But you knew this going in,” Holden pronounced. “You knew you’d have to ask her father’s permission; you knew you were going to have to propose. You knew you were going to have to get married.”
“I’m not denying that fact.” I pounded my fist against the armrest. “What I’m stating is that it’s fucked up.”
Easton placed his hand on my desk. “Listen, we’re doing this for Hooked—”
“But what about me? Why isn’t that taken into consideration?”
Silence penetrated across the room.
“Grayson, you’re still getting the girl.” Holden slid back in his seat, crossing his legs. “We’re not taking her away from you.”