Page 109 of The Garden Girls

Ty gawked. “What happened to you? This...this isn’t you.”

Lysander laughed, hard and cold.

The monster raging on the outside demanded attention. Horrific tugging and tearing deafened them as a portion of the solar roof was wrested from the house and a pane of glass shattered to the tile, spraying the room. Women shrieked and glass dotted Ty’s cheeks, leaving stings. He touched his face. His fingers were smeared with blood. Wind howled and swept through the room, rattling the cages as the women begged for help, for freedom.

“Lysander, we have to leave this room or all of us, including you, will die.”

“You are going to die. You’re right in saying that, you selfish vain fool.” His mouth spread into a wicked grin. “And the beauty is, I’m not the one who’s going to kill you. I will enjoy the show.” He turned toward the hallway. “It’s okay, bud. Come on in. Meet your dad.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Tiberius’s knees turned to rubber as he forced himself to look at the open doorway. A shadow appeared, and then his son walked into the room, eyes hardened and jaw set.

Until he saw the women.

His eyes widened and his mouth formed a perfect O. Then he turned to Lysander. “Why are these women in here, Lysander?”

A new wave of terror engulfed Ty. Josiah knew Ty’s brother’s true identity. What else did he know? How long had he known?

Lysander remained calm, pointing the gun at Tiberius. “These women are here of their own volition. They live here, and they’re paid to dance for me. Like dancers for kings in the past. Look at them, son. Wouldn’t you want them to dance for you?” He waggled his brows.

“Do not call him son!”

“Why not? I’ve been the father he’s never had.”

Josiah shoved his hands in his pockets. “Like strippers?”

“Yes, like strippers.”

Josiah frowned. “But women died, and they believe Ahnah was taken by whoever took these women.”

“I don’t have Ahnah. You’ve had free rein of the home. Have you seen her? No. Would I actually leave you here alone if I had abducted her? Abducted anyone? I didn’t kidnap these women. They didn’t want their lives. They had reasons to run from family,” he said calmly, lies oozing like silk from his tongue. Lies that made sense to a vulnerable, groomed teenage boy.

But that explained how he brought Bexley here without Josiah knowing. He’d left him on his own, and that too had built trust. It was in Josiah’s eyes. He was swallowing down Lysander’s trumped-up story like it was sugar.

Rain and debris littered the solarium. Above, the glass panes and solar panels that remained convulsed. The eye of the hurricane was approaching like a freight train barreling off its rails.

Josiah flinched and edged toward the wall and away from the open ceiling. “And the dead women?”

“Pill poppers and, to my regret, I did supply them. Unfortunately, they overdosed, and I left them at the lighthouses to be found. Not everyone would approve of our arrangement here.”

“He’s lying, Josiah. He’s a murderer. He has Ahnah and your mother. He kidnapped her while you were alone here this morning. These women have families and lives and homes, and he’s been messing with your head.”

Lysander sighed and skirted a puddle of water. “Josiah, I do not have your mother or your aunt. Did you see me bring her back? No. You saw me bring in supplies. Ahnah hated your mom, and she probably left of her own accord for a new life. Your mother has never loved you. Women’s hearts are fickle. Remember Bree?”

Josiah nodded.

“She toyed with you, and then she crushed you by dating David. I was there for that. Who was at your last pinball competition at the arcade?”


“Because your mom had to take care of other fickle women. They’ve always been her priority. You know that. Look.” He pointed to the open cage where Catherine Overly sat. “Door’s wide open and she hasn’t left or denied what I’ve said.”

She was too afraid to speak. He held power over them, and Ty was defenseless while Lysander held a gun.

“I didn’t kill anyone. Men like me enjoy the pleasure of women. I haven’t done anything to them they didn’t ask me to do. I have never forced myself on them. But this man...he abandoned you.”

“No!” Ty insisted. “I never knew you existed.”