Page 39 of The Garden Girls


Deep below the marrow, a voice calls to fight. To be brave. To hold on and hang in. Not to quit. It’s not over yet.

A hurricane is coming.

And people are tracking me. He’s seen the press conference.

I push myself up off the floor and shove hair matted from tears away from my face, straightening my spine.

“That’s a good girl. Well done.”

I lift my chin to the ceiling and my fist too. “You come down here, you son of—” I swallow. “I’m not going anywhere.”

And I know I’ve unleashed a cold fury.

Chapter Seven

Blue Harbor

Bexley Hemmingway’s home

Sunday, September 2

12:46 a.m.

A noise startled Bexley awake and her eyes flew open. Her pulse pounded in the darkness. Something or someone was outside. Once her eyes acclimated to the pitch black, she swung her gaze toward the window. A shadow moved, and her body went rigid. Ahnah’s abductor? Tiberius had admitted that whoever was doing this was personal to him—a killer who wanted revenge for that viral video. Was he coming for the rest of those Ty once loved?

Would he know about Josiah and come for him too?

She quaked and sweated simultaneously. Whoever was out there was watching, and she didn’t want to tip him off that she was awake and alert. Crawling her fingers up the side of her nightstand like a spindly-legged spider, she found her cell phone and inched it to her, tucking it under the covers and wishing she’d closed the blinds. But after the fright night at the restaurant and that terrifying letter, she came home, took a hot shower before crawling under the covers for sanctuary, and fell sound asleep.

Gently, she rolled over and nestled into the blankets, sneaking another peek outside the window. The figure was still there. Now that she was under the covers, she entered her passcode and scrolled to Tiberius’s name. After he’d left his business card, she’d programmed him into the phone. Agent Granger. If he had news on Ahnah, she wanted to answer and not let it go to voice mail like many unknown numbers she received.

God, don’t let him sleep like the dead anymore.

On the second ring, his groggy, rough voice punched through the line. “Agent Granger.”

“It’s me,” she whispered. “Someone’s outside my window and has been for a while I think. Watching me.”

“Bex?” His voice was more alert. Concern replaced annoyance.

“Yes. I’m in bed. Under the covers. I don’t think he knows I’m awake or if he does, it’s not scaring him off. But I’m scared.”

The sound of a zipper and keys being scraped across a table filtered through the line.

“Stay where you are and on the line with me. I’m on my way. Josiah okay?”

“As far I know,” she whispered. “Should I go check on him?”

“No. Whoever’s out there probably assumes you’re asleep, which means he might stick around long enough for me to arrive and grab him. If he thinks you’re awake, he’ll bolt.”

A door closed and the beeping of a car unlocking let her know he was entering his vehicle.

“What if he tries to break in?” What would she do? She had no gun, only a lone baseball bat by the side of the bed.

“If he tries to enter, you jump up and let him know you’ve called the police. He doesn’t want to be caught, and he’ll likely run. But if he doesn’t move, you don’t either. I’d like to catch him myself.”

“Are you using me as bait, Tiberius Lee Granger?” she hissed. “I have a son inside. We have a son inside!”