Page 122 of A Cry in the Dark

A new life for them both. One of freedom and faith.

“How’s Memphis sounding to you?” Violet asked through chattering teeth.

“Pretty good, sis. Pretty good.”

Headlights bounced around the curve, and blue lights flashed. The Suburban came into view, and three deputy cruisers followed. Violet uttered words she never had before. “Thank You, God.” And she meant it.

They waved from the side of the road, and the vehicle screeched to a halt, Ty in the driver’s seat. The back doors opened, and Asa, Fiona and Owen clambered out, but John blew out of the passenger door and raced to her, grabbing her and knocking her off balance. “I was terrified.” He framed her face and studied her features. “I was afraid I wouldn’t make it to you in time.”

Ruby pointed skyward. “God beat you to it.”

John glanced up. “You’re right. He did.”

Violet leaned her forehead against his. “He definitely did,” she whispered.

Asa bolted for the woods, several deputies on his tail. “Dead or alive?” he hollered.

“Alive. Mostly,” Violet stated.

Asa paused and snapped his head in her direction then raised a forefinger as if indicating they’d discuss it later then ran into the forest. His voice carrying on the wind, he called, “Good job, Vi!” Their Kodiak bear would disarm evil then come console a cub. That’s how he was.

Ty swaggered toward her, clearly seeing they were in one piece, a cocky grin on his face, Owen right beside him, cheesing. “You been clubbin’?” Ty asked and pointed to her jeans slit to the crotch and her sweater revealing her midriff and bare arms. “Looks like you been clubbin’ and can’t hold your liquor.”

Owen mimicked bass from a speaker as Ty laughed, then Owen hugged her. “I had my mama and my grandmama prayin’ for you. Asa actually had the nerve to tell the pilot to fly faster. And I think it scared the pilot enough that he did.”

Violet shook her head at their idiocy, but she loved that they loved her. Funny, until right now she hadn’t realized that while her mom and grandmother didn’t love her, she did have the love of family. Guess she’d been focusing on what she didn’t have instead, and it had blinded her to what she did. “You two are annoying.” She wasn’t ready to toss around the L word so freely.

“We love you too,” Owen said.

Fiona looked at Ruby. “How are you?”

“I’m okay. Now.” Ruby blew a heavy breath. “I’m definitely getting out of here.” She glanced at Violet. “Probably coming to Memphis.”

“Memphis, huh?” Fiona dug into her pocket and pulled out a pink business card with gold edging. She placed it in Ruby’s hands. “You’ll want this.”

“What’s Ruth’s Refuge?” Ruby asked.

“It’s a place where women survivors of domestic violence and trafficking can get help, housing and a new start,” Fiona said.

Ty leaned over, his mouth dropped open and his eyes widened, then he narrowed his eyes and snatched the card from Ruby. “Where did you get this?” he asked Fiona.

“The director came and spoke to our women’s ministry at church about the program. She was really great.”

“This woman? Bexley Hemmingway?”

“Yes.” She snatched it back and handed it to Ruby again. “Why?”

“Dark, almost black hair. Blue eyes. About five five?”

Fiona cocked her head. “Yes. Again, why?”

“Because she’s supposed to be dead.” He glanced at the card once more then stomped a few feet into the woods.

Fiona sighed and drew her piece. “We’ll talk later. I hate the woods and killers in the woods.”

Violet smirked. “I know you do.”

She turned, but Violet stopped her.