Page 113 of A Cry in the Dark

She opened her mouth to cry out, but the meds had thickened her tongue like cotton growing inside her mouth. Instead, she cried out of the darkness of her soul for salvation.

Suddenly, Chris cursed and the ambulance veered.

“Someone’s in the road. Hold on!” Jimmy now swore and swerved again, then the ambulance smacked into something, the impact jostling her.

“Chris... Jimmy...what’s happening?”

“Violet, hold tight.” Jimmy cursed. “Chris...can you hear me? Chris. Chris!”

“What’s happening?”

“It’s okay, Agent. Chris hit his head, but he’s okay. Just...let me see how bad the damage is to the ambulance. We hit a tree. I’ll be right back.”

A door opened. She thought she heard another door open. Had the other one closed? Her head was still fuzzy, and she was floating. She closed her eyes, let herself lift upward.

A scuffle jarred them open.

Jimmy screamed. Something heavy banged into the side of the ambulance, then another thud.

In the haze, Violet ripped out the needle in her arm. She may not have all her faculties, but she recognized a struggle when she heard it. She shook off the fuzz, but her mind was like water bubbling down a brook. “Chris...” She scooted to the front of the ambulance. Both doors were open. Chris was in his seat.

His throat had been cut.

Her heart rate spiked. “Jimmy!” she hollered, but it sounded faint and far away.

She fumbled to open the rear doors and managed to get them free. Jimmy stumbled around the corner, blood covering his face. “Agent...we gotta...we gotta get out of here. Now!”

Jimmy’s head and hands were covered in blood. “Jimmy, can we drive?”

“We hit the trees too hard. We gotta run for it. Can you? Can you run? We don’t have much time,” he said through heaving breaths as he shoved her into her shoes and helped her out of the ambulance. “I don’t know how long he’ll be down or out.”


He’d found them.

Could she run? She couldn’t focus. Think straight or clearly. “I can do it.”

Jimmy put his arm around her, supporting her as they hobbled off the road into the woods. Violet tripped over a tree root and lost her balance, falling. “I don’t know if I can run.”

Jimmy winced. “You’re bleeding.”

She looked down at her knee. She’d cut it. But they had to go. Had to move.

“I’m okay,” she said, feeling nauseous. She stood with his help, and they moved as best they could with the drugs in her system keeping her off-kilter. “What did...what did you give me?”

“Morphine. Low dose. It should wear off quickly.”

The woods slanted uphill. “Where are we going?”

“Away. Somewhere we can hide.”

At least it wasn’t raining.

Jimmy pushed her behind a tree and covered his lips with his index fingers. “I heard something.” He peeked out from the trunk of the tree and surveyed the darkness. Violet rested her head on the tree, grogginess attempting to render her useless.

She should care. She should be of use.

But she couldn’t.