Page 83 of Devious Beloved

“She was a very sweet form of revenge,” he says, his eyes leaving mine to look to my father.


“You ruined my life. Ruined my family’s life and killed my father.”

My father doesn’t even flinch. “Your father did that to himself.”

“He came to see you before it happened.”

“He did,” my father replies. “And I will tell you the same thing I told him. I loved your mother, but sometimes love isn’t enough.”

Whiskey’s eyes flick to me.

“Yeah, love is never enough,” I muse.

“Lies,” Whiskey says back to me.

“Why is she saying this marriage is fake?” my father asks.

“I blackmailed her into marrying me so I could take your most prized possession and ruin it like you ruined mine.”

I gasp at his words.

Father takes a step forward to me. “You blackmailed my daughter?”

“You should leave, Gerald.”

“No. I want to know what you did to her and how this will effect me.”

“He taped me having sex with him,” I say as I wave the bottle of vodka. “While I was tipsy, or drunk, not sure which anymore.”

Whiskey didn’t think I would say it, but honestly, my care factor has gone.


Out the window with any semblance of self-respect that I had with it.

“You what,” my father screams, turning his angry eyes to Whiskey who is staring at me.

I shrug, watching the two of them, lifting the bottle to my lips to cover my smirk.

“This is what you blackmailed her with to marry you?”

“Don’t act like you care, Father. I know you don’t. I destroyed the evidence today. You are fine,” I say with an eye roll.

He turns to face me, his hand running through his hair. “Of course I care, Lottie. I’ve always been the one to care. To take care of you, make sure you have everything you need. And this is how you repay me?”

My back hits the wall, dizziness taking over me. “You’re a superb liar.” I take another sip from the vodka bottle.

“You’ve had enough, don’t you think?” Whiskey says.

“You can leave now,” I wave Whiskey off, then look to my father. “You can leave too.”

“I love you, Lottie,” my father says.

I harrumph at him, not believing one word that man says. “The only thing you love in this life, Father, is your stupid reputation, which is what got me into this position in the first place,” I say to him as a hiccup leaves my mouth.

“You could have come to me instead of marrying him,” he seethes.