Page 79 of Devious Beloved

“I’m glad to get out, I’m looking forward to it.”

She simply nods, and when I turn back to look for Whiskey, he’s standing at the door, talking quietly to Dash.

“Unlikely friendship that one,” Sarah comments. “But I guess they saw each other’s demons.” I look to her to see her looking at Dash in a way that shines with nothing but love. Those two are really meant to be.

“You cooked?” I ask, changing the subject.

“I did…” She pauses and looks back to the boys. “Enough chatting, let’s go sit and have a drink.” She links arms with me and takes me to a dining room table which is full of food and drinks. A bouquet of flowers sits in the middle.

Sarah pulls out my seat. “Come sit over here by me. We can chat and don’t have to listen to their boring conversation.” She smiles, and I can tell she wants to be friends. I look up at Whiskey and Dash as they walk around the table to sit across from us. Whiskey watches me with intent, waiting for something I won’t and can’t give him.

“So, how’s it all been since the wedding?” Sarah asks, pouring herself a drink.

When no one answers, she looks around at us and stops when she sees the look on her husband’s face. “Okay, how about a drink then?”

“The marriage has been shit. What about yours?” I ask her, smiling.

She looks taken aback, but plays it off as she answers, “Good. Dash and I…” She looks up at him, and he looks back with love shining in his eyes. “We’re really good.”

“You must be one of the lucky ones.” I lift the drink she just poured for me and take a sip of it, then turn to see Whiskey’s still staring at me.

“Well, you must be happy he ended the contract then,” Dash says.

The wine in my glass spills all over my skirt at the shock, then I look up to Whiskey, wanting answers. “What is he talking about?”

“You didn’t read the paperwork,” he says, stating the obvious. “Of course you didn’t.”

“Excuse me, but the last time you gave me something with paper involved, it ruined my life,” I reply.

“That’s how you see me? Ruining your life?” he asks, his temper escalating.

“Tell me, Whiskey, how else am I meant to see you? Or am I just meant to focus on the great sex and not the life part, you know, where that’s ruined for me.”

Whiskey pushes back from the table. He goes to speak but shakes his head. “I tried to make up for that. I’ve tried to compensate you.”

I stand, my hands slamming on the table. “You gave me a house.”

“What!” Dash says, his eyes swinging from me to Whiskey.

“He did. He thinks I want to live in that place by myself, no I want to go back to my old life, with my friend.” I tell him.

“Well, you can.” He says pushing the seat back to it falls to the ground.

“I’m sorry,” I tell them. “I didn’t think…” I get up and follow him out. This did not go as planned—at all.



“You gave her your house?” Dash asks, shocked.

“I was thinking of her.”

“Oh, my god. You love her.” Sarah’s hand goes over her mouth.

“No, I don’t.” Do I? No. That can’t be right. “I have to go. I need to take Lottie home, or she might think she can walk. I wouldn’t put it past her.” I head outside and see her waiting by the car. Her back’s against it as she plays on her cell phone. I hit the unlock button making her turn around.

“I’m ordering an Uber.”