I pipe up, trying to break the moment. “I’m honestly not sure I could’ve handled one more person.”

“See? Relax,” Bash says and waves down the server with a wink. She has pretty brown hair swept up into a ponytail, and from the way she’s looking back at him, she’s definitely interested.

She goes around the table, taking our orders. It’s not lost on me that there are no prices on the menus, and it’s mostly written in Italian.

Damon whispers into my ear. “I’m getting chicken with risotto. Does that sound good?”

“Perfect.” Grateful for his help, I lean in and kiss the edge of his jaw.

Xander lets out a low whistle, and heat flushes my neck, settling into my cheeks, embarrassed by my impromptu public display of affection. I’m not ashamed, but this is definitely not the environment to be climbing all over my husband.

I go to move away, but Damon holds me with one hand and kisses my temple. “Let them be jealous.”

The server is staring at the two of us, eyes wide and mouth slightly parted.

“We will have the risi e tochi.”

She clears her throat. “Great choice.”

“And for you?” She’s looking right at Matthias, but he’s staring off across the restaurant, eyes narrowed. There’s an unmistakable chill coming off him, and I’ll be forever grateful that I’m not the one he’s looking at.

“He’ll have the same as me.” Bash answers for him, looking concerned. “And a bottle of red.”

“Of course. I’ll bring the house’s finest.”

Once she’s gone, I’m able to follow Matthias’s line of sight, and it becomes clear what’s caught his attention. There’s a stunning woman in deep conversation with the man across from her. The low light bounces off her light brown hair, giving it an almost halo-like appearance, and she’s wearing a dress perfectly tailored to mold her body. They’re definitely on a date, and from the way they’re leaning toward each other, it’s going well.

Damon spots what we’re looking at. “That’s Scarlet Laurent. Her family was associated with the Order of Saints.”

I don’t like the sound of that. “What happened to her family?”

Matthias doesn’t look at me when he answers. “We did.”

The things Damon told me about the Everette brothers flash through my mind, but I struggle to find an ounce of pity. If her family was wrapped up in the failed takeover, then they got exactly what they deserved. Damon will always believe his hands are stained black, but looking at him with his family, I know he did what needed to be done. He not only stopped the coup but made it clear to everyone the risk of trying it again.

The woman laughs, and the muscle in Matthias’s cheek twitches as he grinds his teeth together. It makes a faint sound, and I’m honestly worried he’s going to break one. He gets up from the table and takes five steps toward them before turning around and walking out of the restaurant.

The woman looks up as if she felt his stare, but when she doesn’t see anyone, her attention goes back to the man in front of her.

“Is he going to be okay?” I ask, looking between the guys.

It’s Damon who answers. Bash and Xander whisper quietly, in their own little world.

“She was involved when the boys were kidnapped. We know she wasn’t a part of their plan, but Matthias hasn’t spoken to her since.”

The server comes around, pouring our drinks, and I take a sip of the tart liquid. “He’s not acting like someone not interested.”

“None of us knows exactly what Matthias went through during his time confined. We do know he came out despising her, but when we pushed, he shut us down.”

“Speaking of cranky Everettes,” Bash cuts in. “When are you going to let our mother out? She’s well past cantankerous.”

Xander chokes on a laugh. “More like a raging bitch.”

The last time I saw the Everette matriarch, she’d been doing everything in her power to make me feel small. She’d seen me as the outsider I am and wanted to be sure I knew it.

Damon leans over the table, his tone leaving no room for questioning. “She can come out when she learns to apologize properly.”

“Fuck, I want to be your wife. Doesn’t need to be incest or anything. Like we don’t need to fuck, but seriously, can you protect me like that?” Bash says, causing Xander to spit out his wine.