“I haven’t done anything wrong to this doctor if that’s what you’re worried about,” Damon replies absentmindedly as he types away at his phone.

“This doctor?”

Damon’s eyes flick up to mine before returning to his phone. “The last one disappeared after information leaked to the public.”

“You are freaking crazy,” I gasp.

“You’re just figuring that out?”

“You’re dangerous.” Even as I say the words, they don’t taste right.

Damon tucks his phone back into his pocket, closes the distance between us, and gently grazes his thumb along my cheekbone. “Not to you.”

“What if I, I don’t know…piss you off or something?”

His lip twitches. “I honestly don’t see how that’s possible.”

“Oh yeah? Not even if I hit on one of your brothers?” Why am I doing this? But I know why—some sick part of me likes pushing him as far as I can. Likes the security in somehow knowing he won’t snap. Not with me.

His eyes narrow into black slits. “I’ll miss them.”

A laugh bubbles up in my chest. “You are crazy.”

He leans in, touching his forehead to mine. “When it comes to you, I’m so much more than crazy.”

He’s so close each of his breaths fan over my lips, and his sweet scent of cigars and cologne fills my nose. It’s like he’s pulled the invisible rope tying us together taut, drawing every ounce of my attention. I can’t stop myself from tipping my chin up and grazing my mouth against his.

He groans low in his chest, deepening the kiss, stealing all remaining thought.

There’s a soft knock on the door, breaking the moment.

“What?” Damon shouts, voice daring whoever interrupted us to enter.

The door opens and Bash walks in, holding a white paper bag with a familiar logo on it. “I have your food, asshat. Do you have any idea what I had to do to get this? You owe me one hundred K.”

“Just give me the food.” Damon’s different around his brothers; the hard edge he wears around anyone else is completely missing. Instead, there’s almost a lightness to him.

“Keep your grubby hands off. I did this for my sister, not you.” Bash gives me a bright smile that looks entirely too mischievous.

I take the bag from him, careful not to disrupt the IV. Bash’s gaze catches on the line, and he turns a cold stare on his older brother.

“What the fuck were you thinking, bringing her there?”

“I was thinking she deserved to have the choice,” Damon replies easily.

I take a bite of the clubhouse, the delicious taste of mayo and crispy bacon filling my mouth. I swallow before saying, “He asked. I can tell you, I’ve been through worse.”

Both men’s eyes flash to me, brows pulled together. Bash looks like a younger carbon copy.

A muscle ticks in Damon’s jaw, and it’s several seconds before he says anything. “We killed that bastard way too fast.”

Put plainly like that, my throat grows dry. “We killed him.”

Damon steps closer, a look of concern pinching his face. “We did.”

I search inside myself for any regret and come up empty. “I…I don’t feel bad.”

Damon kisses the top of my head. “Good.”