“I’m always serious.”

A laugh huffs out of her. “It’ll be messy.”

“I like messy.” I run my tongue over my teeth as her eyes darken on me.

She takes several deep breaths before replying. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

I smirk. “Consider me properly warned. Now, where’s the dye?”

She points to the small vanity I’m blocking. “You’ll have to move so I can go through that. There’s a few colors in there.”

I glance back at the tiny cupboard. Sure enough, the room is so small I’m blocking the entire thing. “Alright, I have to make a call. I’ll be right outside.”

She stands, and her fingers push against my shoulders until I’m standing in the hall. My chest lightens when she raises a brow, daring me to say anything. That’s my girl.

Shock registers through me when she slams the door in my face and I hear it lock.


“I have to pee. Your freaking mother was here for hours.” Her voice is muffled through the door.

I bite my cheek, fighting back a smile. I can’t remember the last time I felt this way. If I’ve ever felt this way.

I pull out my phone and dial Matthias.

“Have you calmed down now that you’ve seen your wife?”

“Tell security that Mother is barred from future events.”

He lets out a whistle. “That’s not going to be easy.”

“Do I sound like I care? You’re fucking lucky it’s not you. You said she was fine,”

Silence meets me, and by the time he speaks, his voice has gone cold. “Was she not fine, Damon?”

It’s moments like this that remind me just how lethal Matthias is.

“Physically, yes.” We both know firsthand it’s not the physical that leaves the deepest scars.

“She’ll be okay. They’d planned on turning her into one of Mother’s perfect society girls.”

“You mean miserable,” he states, and I can almost hear him run his hand over his face.“I’ll see to it myself. I’m looking forward to our mother being told no for a change,” he says before the line disconnects.

The door opens, and Misty’s standing there in a black robe and holding a basket with a few bottles and bowls inside. “You sure you want to do this?”

I hold out my hand and lift one brow. “Give it here.”

She goes to hand it to me but pulls it away at the last second. “You can’t wear that!”

I’m still in my Armani suit, but I couldn’t give a fuck.

“I’m serious. You can’t wear that.”

The snap of my pants clicks open as I make quick work of divesting my shirt and smirk at the way her cheeks pinken.

“Is this okay, Nymph?

She runs her tongue along her bottom lip and nods, focusing still on my chest.