“Everette family stuff. The usual. I have no idea why people are so interested in them.”

“No idea, huh?” Piper raises one brow. “Let me see, handsome, influential, and unimaginably rich. What’s not to like?”

“Alex and River don’t like them,” Mia adds.

“See?” I say to Piper.

“That’s because he tried to break them apart. He already fixed that, and you know it.”

“Why does it even matter?”

“You tell me,” Piper replies. There’s a suspicious gleam in her eyes.

The ballroom lights dim, drawing our attention to the large stage set up to the right of the dance floor.

The girls behind us provide an entertaining running commentary as, one by one, each Everette brother climbs the stairs and stands in a row at the back.

“That’s Sebastian. He’s the youngest.”

“I heard he has a death wish.”

“From the rumors I’ve heard, I don’t doubt it.”

His sandy-blond hair is disheveled, falling loosely over his eyes. There’s a sharpness to his smile, one that warns he’s not quite as he seems.

The next brother’s slightly older. His hair is brushed back from his face, revealing his bored expression.

“Xander. God damn, that boy is fine.”

The room grows eerily silent as the next brother takes his place. There’s a dark presence that wafts off him that I can practically feel from here. His near-black hair covers his face, casting his eyes in shadows.

“Matthias,” one of the girls whispers, but they don’t gossip about him, not willing to risk anyone overhearing. Which is a shame because I’d love to know what makes him glare like that.

Damon is the last to walk up, and I don’t need any introduction. I know exactly what kind of arrogant, cocky, overdemanding boss he is. That doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate him in his suit. Tailored flawlessly, it shows off his wide shoulders while simultaneously cutting into his narrow waist. The man is all sharp lines and perfection. I hate him a little for it. No one that annoying should be allowed to be that good-looking.

He unbuttons his tux, and I can see the contours of his abs beneath his shirt from here. Why did I think it was a good idea to stand so close to the stage? My mouth waters, and I have to remind myself that this man spent an entire hour tearing apart my presentation for Mia’s charity event. From the smirk on his face, I swear he enjoyed every second of it.

A perfectly styled woman climbs the stairs with poise on the arm of an elderly man. Even with his age, the man manages to look regal. I recognize him easily as the patriarch of the Everette family conglomerate and the grandfather to the four men standing behind him. He’s old, at least eighty, and frail. Why hadn’t the patriarch stepped down years ago?

The answer comes from whispers behind me. “His son was mysteriously killed. Not even the news covered it.”

The woman releases his arm, placing a kiss on his cheek before moving to his right. The resemblance between her and the brothers is undeniable, even with her hair being a light silver color.

The grandfather approaches the microphone, and the room is completely silent, no one daring to speak over him.

“Thank you all for gathering here tonight for the annual Everette ball. I’ll admit I have an ulterior motive for being here.”

Tension weighs the air as the anticipation settles over us. The man certainly knows how to command a crowd.

He continues, a slight curve to his mouth. “As I’m sure you can see, I’ve grown old.”

There’s chatter around the room, and the grandfather waits until he regains their attention. “I’d planned on passing down my title of head of the Everette family to my son, but after his tragic passing, I’ve been waiting for his eldest son to be ready.”

I can’t stop my gaze from traveling to Damon, who stands completely still, his face in a neutral position. You’d never know he was being announced as the next head of his family.

“As a part of the Everette tradition, my replacement is required to be married, which will be my grandson Damon’s final hurdle prior to taking the family helm.”

This time, the whispers grow louder, the attendees unable to suppress their excitement.