“That’s not?—”

“I took the liberty of checking your schedule. I noticed you have a morning meeting with my mother. I’ve already messaged her to be on her best behavior. She has a tendency to be…less than pleasant with people she deems below her.”

My muscles unintentionally stiffen. I don’t miss this world at all. One where people think they’re better than the other. “I can take care of myself.”

“Of course you can. You’re an Everette now.”

Damon Everette - CEO of Everette Industries: How was your morning?

Damon’s message pops up on my computer screen. Less than great, considering I’d spent it with his mother, who landed several backhanded comments about my appearance while simultaneously exulting the pedigree of the young women she was setting up for her son. Like they were dogs and not people.

At least now, I’m doing pretty good. I have an extra-large coffee, and I’m currently scrolling Amazon instead of getting any work done.

Dealing with Mrs. Everette had to count for a week’s worth of work at least.

The temptation to yell that I’m her son’s wife, me, in all my messy, wild imperfection, had crawled under my skin and pushed at my throat, begging to come out. If only to see the shock, quickly followed by despair, register in her eyes.

It’s not lost on me that the girl my parents tried to groom me to be is the exact type of woman Damon’s mother is looking for:




Someone she can twist and mold to be Damon’s perfect society wife.

Well, she’ll have to wait a year because I’m none of those things.

Misty Hart - Junior PR representative: Fine. We found lots of potential wives for you. You could even start a harem.

I drum my fingers against my oak desk. The office they set me up in is across the hall from Damon’s. If it wasn’t for his privacy blinds, he’d be looking right into my cubicle all day.

Damon Everette - CEO of Everette Industries: Speaking of wives. Your last name is wrong.

I roll my eyes at the ridiculousness of the comment.

Misty Hart - Junior PR representative: Oh, yeah sure. Because changing my last name wouldn’t raise suspicions at all. At best, people would think I’m some kind of stalker freak.

Damon Everette - CEO of Everette Industries: If only I were that lucky.

Damon Everette - CEO of Everette Industries: Tell me. Was she nice?

Misty Hart - Junior PR representative: As nice as someone like that can be.

Damon Everette - CEO of Everette Industries: I don’t like that answer.

Misty Hart - Junior PR representative: That’s nice. I didn’t like it either. I’ve set up a calendar with all of the events you’ll need to make appearances at.

I pause before writing the next part, not willing to say “date.”

Misty Hart - Junior PR representative: And a list of potential women to accompany you.

Damon Everette - CEO of Everette Industries:Cancel them.

Misty Hart - Junior PR representative: What? I just spent all morning scheduling all of these.

Damon Everette - CEO of Everette Industries:That’s unfortunate since I won’t be going.