“You expect to continue making that or more over the next ten years,” I state, then pull out the paperwork I brought with me. “I’ll pay you ten million dollars if you sell it to me now. I already have the documentation ready. All you have to do is sign, and the money will transfer directly into your account.”

His mouth falls open, closes, then opens again. “I don’t understand? That’s way above market value.”

“Do you accept the deal or not?” I’m prepared to offer him double, but I don’t tell him that. Instead, I wait, keeping my face impassive.

“Don’t I know you? You’re that Everette heir, aren’t you?” A spark grows, dissolving his apprehension.

“Good, you’ve heard of me.” I pass the papers over. “Do we have a deal?”

“I have to have my lawyers look over it.” He grasps them in his hand, unable to hide his excitement.

“No.” I shake my head. “It’s now or never.”

“Fuck, man.”

“Take it or leave it, but I’m growing tired.” I take a step back, and panic takes over his features.

“Wait! Okay, I’ll do it.”

“Good. My lawyers tabbed everywhere you need to sign it.” I hand him a pen, and he flips through the pages, putting his name down in rapid succession. He thrusts them all at me, and I sort through the top few and hand them back to him.

“These are your copies. You’ll see I’ve already signed them.”

“You were that sure of yourself?”

“I’m always sure before I head into a deal.” I hit dial on my phone, connecting with my accountant. “He accepted my first offer. Send the money.”

“First offer? What do you mean? Would you have given more?” he says incredulously.

“Life lesson. Always negotiate.”

“Don’t you need my bank information?”

“I already have it. I suggest you change your passwords to something other than your mother’s name and birthday.”

He goes ghostly white.

“Relax. You’re a millionaire.” I cut him a sharp smile. “I expect you out by morning.”

“Morning! I can’t do that.”

“I’m afraid it’s in the contract, or you will owe me one hundred thousand for every day you’re late. I’ve arranged a moving company to pick up your things and put them into storage until you find a new place.” I check my watch. “In exactly eight hours. I suggest you start packing. Goodbye, Mr. Williams.” I shut the door behind me and head outside.

It’s cool, the clawing humidity of the day finally releasing its hold. I pull out a cigar and pass it between my teeth before lighting it and taking a long drag in. Even the gun to my chest did nothing for my aching erection. The only thing that’s going to work is her.

Me: Do a background check on all residents. Evict anyone that seems suspicious.

She’ll be pissed if her friends are thrown out, so I make sure my brother knows who they are.

Matthias: I can’t believe you bought the building.

Matthias: Scratch that. When it comes to this girl, I totally believe it.

Me: You’ve always been smart.

Matthias: Don’t flatter me or it’ll go to my head.

Matthias: I’ll have the eviction notices out by tomorrow. Some of them might create trouble.