I never should have gotten close to him. I definitely shouldn’t have let him touch me.

My phone buzzes on the table, and I swipe it, noticing the dozen missed texts.

Piper: Misty Lynn Hart. What the hell did you get up to last night? You’re on the freaking news.

Mia: Damon is H.O.T. Good for you.

Piper: Girl, you better respond or Mia and I are coming to find you.

The news. Oh no, no, no. Please freaking no.

I flip through my phone to a popular news site, and my stomach plummets.

Damon Everette, caught in a passionate discussion, leaving the Elysium club with a mystery girl. Could this be the new potential Mrs. Everette?

I close my eyes and take three heaping breaths. At least it wasn’t me hung over his shoulder. At least we can spin this as a meeting once it’s announced I’m his personal PR. A simmer of frustration boils under my skin.

I’ve spent the last several years keeping my head out of the media as much as possible. Which isn’t the easiest thing to do as the PR rep for the Bruins. And in one fell swoop, Damon has all eyes on me.

Me: Damon Everette the Third is a cocky, egotistical asshole who thinks the world revolves around him and doesn’t care who has to deal with the fallout.

My phone vibrates, but instead of another text, a group video call comes through. I hit Accept, andall the anger, helplessness, and frustration boil over at the sight of my best friends. Like I’d been holding back a dam, and seeing them gives me permission to let it all out.

Piper searches my face through the screen. “Oh, Misty, are you sewing? Tell us what’s wrong.”

“Details now.” Mia pops a piece of popcorn into her mouth.

My words pour out of me like a flood I can’t dam. “First, I caught him getting head in the conference room, and I freaking froze in place like some petrified animal. Then, he cornered me in the back alley, looking way too hot for someone who just announced he was being forced to get married.”

Both girls’ eyes are wide on me, mouths slightly open, but I can’t stop the words from tumbling out.

“He went to my boss and switched me to his personal PR person. He took me off all of his projects. And because of that, my old boss refuses to sign the visa renewal papers that she messed up. Then, he showed up at the club, out of freaking nowhere, looking way too hot. Why does he always have to look so hot? It’s not fair,” I whine and continue.

“He literally picked me up and hauled me up the stairs to some private suite—because of course he has a suite—only to give me the best orgasm of my life. Then says he won’t sign the visa papers! No reason, no sorry. No explanation! Just a simple I never said I wasn’t an asshole. Like seriously, what the actual fuck. Don’t even get me started on the whole car thing. Like, who hires a personal chauffeur for their PR person?” I inhale deeply, and my lungs heave, sucking desperately for air as the last sentence leaves my mouth and the girls are caught up.

They’re both stunned silent. Mia’s piece of popcorn is suspended in the air halfway to her mouth.

“Well, aren’t you going to say anything?” I ask, maybe a little too high-pitched.

“He’s a total dickwad,” Piper responds immediately.

“Yup, grade A asshole,” Mia adds. “A superhot, ridiculously mind-boggling rich asshole.”

“Which is exactly why he thinks he can get away with absolutely anything he wants,” I practically scream.

“Do you think so?” Piper hesitates. “Just that…you mentioned a particularly good orgasm.”

My cheeks heat, but she ignores it and goes on gently. “That just maybe, you like him? A little bit?”

“Or I hate him, and he’s just hot,” I respond.

“You know, I bet the hate sex between the two of you is absolutely insane,” Mia adds, finally popping the popcorn into her mouth.

“I am not having sex with him,” I screech.

“Uh-huh, because he’s a cocky, egotistical asshole who thinks the world revolves around him. Who you are also super attracted to.”

“Yes…no…wait.” Both girls smile as I stumble over my words. “I never said I’m attracted to him.”