I smile, all sharp teeth and bad intentions. “There’s one thing you never considered, asshole. Men who are prepared to die are unpredictable.”

His eyes go wide when I grip the sides of his head, then bash the back into the ground. I’m losing mobility, my body’s turning to ice from loss of blood, but I’m going to kill the bastard.

I slam Anthony’s head over and over until the back crushes in and blood pours out of his mouth.

It’s the lack of sound that draws me back to Misty.

My stomach twists painfully as I rush back to her. She’s cold. So cold. “I’m here. I’m fucking here. Wake up, baby. Please, baby, wake up.” Her head rolls to the side, completely limp. “I’m so fucking sorry.” A sob racks through me as I shake her hard. “Don’t leave me.”

I try again, but my arms won’t listen, my body betraying me. I collapse beside her, staring at her lavender hair, covered in blood.

My brothers’ voices filter in, calling for help, pressing on my wounds. It’s too late. It’s too late. I don’t want to be saved.

I force my hand to move, brushing over Misty’s cheek. “Don’t worry, Little Nymph. I’m coming to find you. Even death can’t stop me.”

Chapter 55


A bright light shines in one of my eyes, then the other.“Call the OR and tell them we have a trauma coming in.”

It’s like I’m ten feet underwater, trying to listen in. “He’s hemorrhaging!”

Alarms start going off, loud beeping piercing the surface of my fog. A woman presses down on my chest, pain searing beneath her hand.

“Stay with us.” The pain dissipates, replaced by ice so cold I go completely numb. “Shit! He’s bleeding out. We’re losing him.”

Lavender hair and clear green eyes are the last things I see before the blackness pulls me under.

Muffled voices filter in, pulling me toward them.

“We almost lost him.” Matthias.

“He’s going to be pissed when he wakes up.” Xander.

A voice I don’t recognize cuts in. “You can’t be in here.”

The noise grows quiet, and I’m sucked deep into a fog.

“How are we going to tell him?” Matthias says, and I fight to the surface. Is he talking about me?

“There was so much blood.” Bash.

“Misty…” Another voice I don’t recognize—it fades off at the end, and I desperately reach for consciousness. I grasp the rope hanging in front of me, dragging myself upward. I need to know what he says next.

Clear green eyes, red hair. That’s not right…her hair’s purple. A memory slips to the forefront of holding her in my arms. There’s blood on my hands, on her lips, soaking through her shirt.

I promised her I’d keep her safe. Promised I’d stay with her.

I stop fighting, welcoming the dark. I’m coming, Misty.

Beeping erupts from the machines around me, and there’s someone directing others, but I let go of the rope I’m holding and fall.

Light sears the back of my eyelids, and my throat burns.

“Water,” I breathe, barely above a whisper. Everything hurts. I peel my eyes open, but I’m frozen in place. My arms are too heavy to lift.

“If you ever fucking do that to me again,” Matthias’ fist digs into my shirt.