“How old are you again?”

“Twenty-seven. Don’t worry, I’ve made sure to tease the fuck out of Damon for your ten-year age gap. Basically a cradle robber.” Bash’s tone is joking, but that doesn’t stop me from punching him in the arm.

“Hey, now. I’m delicate.”

I snort into my glass of champagne, not bothering to answer that bit of nonsense. The hair stands up on my arms, and prickles form at the back of my neck as the bidding on Damon starts. There are six bidders to start. I confidently raise my paddle after each one while the number goes up and up. There’s a woman at the back, just as easily keeping up with me, and she’s looking at my husband like a treat. My teeth clench together as I raise my paddle again.

“I don’t know why you look jealous. He’s not going to cheat on his wife,” Bash says, handing me another glass of champagne. I didn’t even notice I finished the first one.

“It doesn’t help that he only married me to secure his inheritance.” Even though things feel like they’ve changed now, that thought still stings.

Bash chokes, and it takes him several seconds to recover before he looks at me with wide eyes. “You still believe that? I just thought by now you’d know.”

“Know what?” I’m still only half paying attention, not wanting to miss a bid.

“That yes, every heir was married, but they’d never been made to. Pure coincidence. Damon basically dragged our grandfather out to make the announcement so he’d be able to marry you.”

“What?” My face snaps to his. “That doesn’t even make sense. He already had leverage with my visa.”

“Maybe he didn’t think you’d go for it and wanted to lock it down. The man’s been basically obsessed with you since the moment you met. You know with the cameras, stalking, and all of that.”

“Cameras?” My voice is raised at a high pitch, but I can’t seem to care. The world goes blurry, and there’s a tingling in my stomach. It is the exact opposite reaction I should be having to that little revelation. Freaking traitorous body.

Bash winces. “I probably wasn’t supposed to say that. But you’re my sister now, and family doesn’t keep secrets. Please tell me you know the whole sleeping-in-the-same-bed rule is bullshit too?”

I just blink at him, and he shakes his head.

“Seriously? How did you even believe that?”

My mouth falls open and closed, not being able to think of a single excuse. My stomach twists with nausea as embarrassment floods me.

I glare at Damon across the room, and he’s already watching me.

“Asshole.” I mouth the word clearly, and the way his eyes widen lets me know he got the message.

I place the paddle fully on the table and cross my arms. Damon’s brows pull low as another bid goes through, but this time, it remains uncontested. If he wants to lie to me, let him deal with the consequences. His eyes narrow as the woman at the back is called the winner.

“Fuck, sis, you’re playing with fire.”

“I haven’t even started yet.”

Xander goes up next, and I raise my paddle high, loving the way Damon glares at me. He’s supposed to be speaking with the woman who won, but all of his attention is on me.

I bid again, and Xander looks worriedly between me and his brother and sighs in acceptance. By now, Damon’s seething, but all I do is bid higher, this time calling out two million, winning the auction in a second.

Damon breaks away from the woman and prowls toward me. I skitter out of my seat, not willing to be caught so soon.

Bash catches my arm just as I’m about to leave. “You know I can’t let you leave. He’s already going to kill one of his brothers tonight. Please don’t make it two.”

“You’re telling me you won’t protect your only sister?” I give him wide doe eyes, and he lets go of me.

“That’s just cruel.”

“I’ll make it up to you,” I call over my shoulder and escape through an emergency exit. I breathe a sigh of relief when there’s an Uber just down the street, and I run to meet up with it before Damon catches up.

I’m panting by the time I get into the car and duck my head to not be seen. If the driver thinks it’s weird, he doesn’t comment.

“Where to, miss?”