“I have a surprise for you, and I’m not sure if you’re going to like it or not.”

I snuggle into his chest, breathing in his scent. “Does it involve waffles?”

“Fuck, you’re adorable, but I think you should hold off on the waffles until after you see it.”

“I dunno, Damon. I’m pretty freaking hungry,” I grumble.

“I’ve got Thomas tied up in the basement of Elysium.” His arms tighten as if expecting a volatile reaction.

I take a second to let his words settle over me and tip my chin onto his pec so I can read his face. “What are you going to do with him?”

A slow smirk pulls at the corner of his lips. “Whatever you want.”

Chapter 38


Damon kept me in bed most of the day and by the time we pull up to the back of Elysium, the sun’s setting, casting the entire area in shadow. Damon grasps my hand before I can get out of the car, his brows pulled low. “Are you sure you want to see this?”

“Not even a little bit.” There’s a jitteriness to me that’s so intense I might actually start crackling with the electricity racing under my skin. My stomach is on its one-hundredth revolution of its mad Ferris wheel between nausea and anticipation. It took Damon over an hour to explain the Order of Saints and the Everette family’s role in it. By the end, it was like someone opened a door to an alternate universe. Now, I’m Alice falling down the rabbit hole.

“Anytime you want to go, just tell me. We go. If you want it to stop, I’ll stop it.” He grimaces. “Unfortunately, it is too late for him to live, but you don’t need to have anything to do with that.”

Not alive, dead, murdered.

Holy crap! I’m an accessory to kidnapping and murder!

“Am I going to be arrested?”

I can tell he’s trying to fight his smile but loses. “I’d like to see the cop that would dare. If that’s not comfort enough, we called in our business partners who are particularly skilled in this.”

“Skilled in this?” I raise one brow. “Torture?”

“Murder, body disposal, the entire process.”

He sounds entirely too chill for the conversation at hand, but there’s something about his calmness that has this new reality settling over me.

“What can I expect when we get down there?”

He doesn’t belittle my question. “He’ll likely be chained, beaten fairly badly, but he’ll be conscious.”

“Is it going to smell?” I scrunch my nose.

He chokes on a laugh. “Why would it smell?”

“Bodies smell.”

“Dead bodies smell. The way Rush likes things set up, he’ll have some chemical cleaner there, so it’ll likely smell like that.”

“And Rush is the torturer guy?” I’m acting way too casual now.

“That’s Beck. Rush is more of a handler for the four of them.”


“Rush, Beck, Nico, and Raegan. They’re from the Gentlemen and Mountsummer.”

Damon guides me down the stairs that leads to a hall with several doors. Muffled shouting coming from the first one on the right.