“Why do you look miserable?” Carly asked.

“No reason.”

She pursed her lips. Years of knowing Dalton, she knew when he was lying, like right now.

Reaching over, she tapped him on the arm. “Come on, this is no time to mope. Tell me what’s going on.”

Dalton lifted his body and blew out a breath. “You heard the news about Reese?”

“Yeah, he’s got a kid on the way. I heard.” She couldn’t help but smile. Reese had been so excited about it on the phone, and she was going to get to meet Misha. They all had an agreement, that they were not going to introduce their other halves, unless they felt it was serious. Reese finally having a child with this woman was serious. Carly couldn’t wait to meet her.

“What’s wrong with Reese having good news?”

“I saw her first.” Dalton scrunched up his face.

“You did?”

“Well, I saw her, and then I saw this blonde chick that had a real tight ass, so I went and talked to her instead. Reese wormed his way in on Misha, and, well, the blonde chick was a boring lay, and I can’t even remember her name.”

“You do realize you have guy friends to talk to about this?” Carly asked.

“Yeah, but they will just laugh. You listen.”

“I imagine they won’t be quite so disgusted at the prospect of you talking this way about women, but…” Dalton glared at her. “What do I know?” She forced a laugh. “Are you telling me you’re in love with Misha?”

“No. I don’t love Misha. She is a boring teacher, but why does Reese get to have the fun life, and I’m stuck?”

Carly wrinkled her nose. “Maybe because Reese was more interested in conversation than Misha’s ass?”

Dalton sighed and for several seconds he didn’t say anything. “You’re right.”

She didn’t smile. Dalton hated to admit when someone else was right.

He lifted his head and looked so pitiful, in an adorable way. “What do I do, Carly?”


“Finding a woman. Having kids. I’d be an amazing dad. I’d take them out shooting. Teach them how to fight, blow shit up, and how to get women.”

She took a deep breath. Any woman that ended up with Dalton would have to keep her wits about her. “Well, first, you’re going to have to be open to the possibility of monogamy.”

“The board game?”

“No, no, no, not a game. You know, where you only have eyes on one woman.” Dalton already looked like he wanted to tap out. “Look, some women might be okay with the idea of you cheating. Some women, a small, teeny-tiny number, and that might be because they’re cheating also.”

“What? Fuck, no. My woman only has me. No way is she having another dick.”

“And what about you?” Carly asked. “You expect your wife or girlfriend to stay loyal to you while you sleep around with random women?”

He opened his mouth and then closed it. “Well, now that you put it like that, no.” She watched him roll his eyes, which reminded her of Sarah.

“Then you need to consider that your days of playing women are over. If you’re serious and want a family, a wife, and what Reese has, then you’re going to have to, you know, put in the hard work. Not look at other women’s butts, and you know, only have eyes for one woman.”

Dalton got to his feet and put down several bills to pay for his drink. “You, Carly, drive a hard bargain, but I see what you’re getting at. You’re still doing your ribs, right? At the barbeque?”

“Yep, I will have everything ready.”

“Can’t wait. See you around, doll.” Dalton winked at her. Carly took his money, the change, and put it in the tip jar.