You’re jealous.

Jealous and scared.

All of her old insecurities kept coming back to her, filling her with a fear she didn’t recognize. Actually, she did recognize it, but she didn’t like it.

Sarah talking about Nate reminded her of old fears of him finding someone else. What if he found another woman while trying to get her pregnant, or after she was pregnant? What would she do then? Carly didn’t know if she was strong enough to handle it.

The hours at work ticked by and for the first time in her life, she wasn’t happy about it. Normally, work allowed her to forget about her troubles, even if it was just for a little while, but that wasn’t happening now. If anything, it was making her think about everything. It must have been a slow night. She blew out a breath, and when it was time to leave, she was exhausted and ready to call it a day.

Stepping out of the bar, into the night air, which was still warm even though they were heading into fall, she expected to see Mitch. Nate’s car lights flashed, and she couldn’t help that little jump in her step of excitement at the prospect of seeing him.

With her menstrual cycle paying a visit, she had expected him to not even bother showing up, and now she felt that little drum of excitement. She rushed across the road, rounded the car, and climbed in. “Hi,” she said.

Like all the other times, Nate cupped her face and pulled her in close. His kisses always made her breathless and this was no exception.

“Where’s Mitch?” she asked.

Nate chuckled. “I kiss you like that and you’re more interested in knowing what Mitch is doing?” he asked.

“It’s just that … you know, he normally picks me up.” She gave a little shrug.

“I’ve been the one coming to pick you up, baby. Why do you think that’s going to change?”

Now, she felt even more embarrassed. “Have you forgotten that … you know, it’s that time of the month?” She didn’t know if she could say it any softer. She pressed her lips together and then chanced a look toward him.

“I know it is, but what does that have to do with Mitch coming to see you?” Nate frowned.

“I … we … can’t…” Carly couldn’t even bring herself to finish. “I mean, don’t you want to?”

“More than anything, but I also know I’m going to take care of you. I’ve already got a pot of chicken soup in the fridge. All I’ve got to do is heat it up to piping hot.”

“Chicken soup?” she asked.

“I know you’re not ill. I know this is something all women go through, and I know you love to eat chicken soup, and I’m going to take care of you.” He shrugged.

Carly couldn’t believe it, and yet within an hour, she had already been showered and enjoyed a bowl of hot, delicious chicken soup. Now she was curled up in bed with Nate, washed and fully naked, by her side. He’d pulled her against him, and he began to rub her stomach.

“You don’t have to do that,” she said.

“I want to, unless it’s hurting you. Does it hurt?”

“No, it’s kind of nice.”

Some months, the pain was quite bad, that she did curl up with a water bottle, but this month was okay. If anything, she felt sad that she wasn’t pregnant. With Nate being so loving and attentive, she wanted to start asking him questions about their future. She still didn’t have the courage to ask questions, for fear she wouldn’t like the answers.

Nate had always told her to only ask him stuff she wanted to know the answers for. When it came to Nate, nothing scared her. She knew who he was and what he could do. To her, Nate wasn’t a cruel man, even though he did bad things to others. The world wasn’t a good place, it was full of monsters, and each of them could share a tale of their time with them.

“Do you want to tell me what you’re thinking about?” Nate asked.

She opened her mouth, then closed it and shook her head. “I’m not thinking anything.”

He gave a tut. “Well, that is certainly a lie, but don’t worry, I know one day soon, you’re going to have the confidence enough to share with me.” And then he kissed her on the head, and Carly snuggled up against him.

She wanted to bottle up these feelings and never let him go. It felt so good, and she felt so complete.

The only problem was, she knew this was a ticking time bomb, and one day soon it was going to blow.
