
“Yes, like I’m happy right now. Being here with you, and I like what we just did.”

“You like me fucking you?”

She gasped. “Nate!”

“What? I know you read those dirty books.” He winked at her. “I also happen to know you write them as well.”

“How could you know that?”

“You left one out once when I was at your and Sarah’s place. I was bored and I read it.”

“Oh, my.” Carly tried to pull away as she was embarrassed. Nate wouldn’t let her go. “Why did you do that?”

“It’s a book, Carly. They’re meant to be read.”

She cringed and quickly covered her face with her hands, and then she chanced a look out of the side of her fingers toward him. “Did you hate it? Was it bad?”

Nate frowned. “Have you ever allowed anyone else to read your books?” Nate asked.

She shook her head.

“How many books have you written?”

“A lot.”

“And you haven’t even let Sarah read them?”

She wrinkled her nose. “Sarah hates reading.” She shrugged. “And there’s no way I’m asking the guys to read them. You’re the first person I know who has read them. Was it bad?”

“No, Carly, it wasn’t bad. I enjoyed it. Thought the hero was a dirty bastard and I liked him.”

“You did?”

“Yeah, it does make me wonder, Carly … for a virgin, how did you come up with some of that stuff?” he asked.

Now she went bright red. Again, she tried to get away, but Nate wouldn’t let her go.

“You don’t have to pretend or hide from me. You can share everything with me and I won’t judge.”

Carly knew it was stupid to feel embarrassed. She hadn’t done anything to be embarrassed about. It was all just sex, and that was normal.

“I watched porn,” Carly said.

His brows went up.

“And I have an imagination and there is nothing in any rule book to say you can’t use both.” She shrugged. “So I did.”

“Well, well, well, you do surprise me, Carly.”

She rolled her eyes.

“You like porn?”

“It was okay. I didn’t like all the spitting or anything.”

Nate laughed.