He reached out and partly expected her to flinch away from him, but she didn’t. Cupping her face, he watched as she closed her eyes and pressed her cheek against his palm.
So beautiful.
He’d wanted her all his life.
Nate hadn’t known how to get her. The last thing he wanted to do was fuck this up, ruin their friendship, and run the risk of losing her. With a child, there was no chance of that. She was bound to him for life.
He also couldn’t stand the thought of her with anyone else’s child. Only his. It was selfish of him, he knew, but at the same time, he didn’t care. When it came to Carly, he wanted what he wanted, and no one was going to take that away from him.
“We don’t have to do this, not tonight.” He cupped her cheek with his other hand. He was already hard as fucking rock, and his desire for her hadn’t abated. He knew it was never going to, either. When it came to Carly, he was well and truly fucked. She was everything to him.
But, if she didn’t want to be with him tonight, then he would just hold her. He’d never gotten to do that with her. Staring into her eyes, he saw her smile.
“I’d like to,” Carly said. “I also don’t want you to freak out. All my years of reading told me one thing—a woman’s first time is not always a good thing. I don’t want you to be nervous.”
He slammed his lips down on hers, and finally took the kiss he’d been waiting years to take. Nate had never seen her kiss another man before. He hadn’t allowed it.
Kissing her felt right, as he knew it would. In fact, this was the best kiss he’d ever experienced. He didn’t want it to stop. Her lips were hard at first, impenetrable, and then slowly, she began to kiss him back, and they were so soft.
There was a subtle moan, and he loved the sound. Drawing her close, he wrapped his arms around her and brought her against him, feeling the softness of her body. The clothes they wore were getting in the way, and all he wanted to do was tear them off, but he kept control of himself. Now was the time to go slow, to get her accustomed to the feel of him.
She’d not touched him, and as he kissed her, explored her mouth, he felt her hands on his arms. Slowly, she slid them up, going around his neck and holding onto him tightly.
Another moan fell from her lips, and he swallowed this one down.
Breaking the kiss, he trailed his mouth down toward her neck and tested out the zone near her pulse, between her ear and collarbone, and the moan that echoed around the room was sweet fucking music.
He reached between them, grabbing the tail of her robe and tugging on it. It fell open, and much to his surprise, she was completely naked. Nate didn’t know why he was surprised, considering she didn’t bring a negligee to wear.
Carly was perfect. Completely, one hundred percent perfect. Her tits were large and ripe, with the sexiest red nipples he’d ever seen. Staring at them, he just wanted to take them into his mouth and suck the whole nipple.
Her stomach was flat, but her hips wide, and he couldn’t resist running his hands down her body, going toward those hips and around toward her ass, drawing her in close. He heard her soft indrawn breath.
“I can go fast, I can go slow. I will do my best to make this good for you, Carly, all you’ve got to do is tell me to stop.”
Nate made it sound so easy. Just tell him to stop.
Carly had no idea how she was going to tell him to stop when it felt so good. His arms felt amazing, and she had always known his lips were going to cause her trouble, she just didn’t realize how much.
She couldn’t seem to think. Her thoughts made no sense, and she was just a mass of feeling. His hands felt amazing.
It was like her body had never known touch before. Every single part of her felt alive. She couldn’t help but gasp as he grabbed her ass and drew her close. Another whimper fell from her lips. The hard ridge of his cock pressed against her stomach.
She couldn’t help but close her eyes as she gave herself over to the feelings and sensations building inside her.
“Tell me to stop,” he said.
She couldn’t do that, nor did she want to. It felt too good, and another part of her was so damn happy they were about to do this. Carly knew it was crazy to even think about this. They were the best of friends and had been for a long time. They were going to have a child together and that was a big deal. She had no idea what the terms or conditions would be. She didn’t know what he was going to demand of her.
Even though she had all these questions, they were not important enough for her to stop what was happening. In the last few moments, she felt more pleasure than she had in her whole life.
“No,” Carly said.
Nate did stop.
“You want me to stop?”