Nate didn’t like to fall into Sarah’s bait, but some days it was impossible not to. She certainly knew how to spin a tale.
“What?” Nate asked, and turned his full glare on his best friend.
Sarah was already smiling at him. “What, what?” she asked.
“What was Carly saying the other night?” He should have known moving Sarah in with Carly was a bad idea. At the time, it had seemed like a damn good one. Now he was starting to wonder about his ideas, because Sarah was fast becoming a giant pain in the ass—one he needed to control—otherwise, she’d become a menace. When it came to him and Carly, she’d always been a meddler.
He didn’t want to deal with this. All he wanted was for Sarah to keep an eye on Carly. That was not too much to ask, considering Sarah cared for her as well.
Sarah’s smile seemed to go even wider, which told him she was up to something and he needed to be careful.
“Well, now that you asked, you know how Carly’s dates have been mysteriously awful for, like, forever?”
He glared at her.
“I know, right, it’s like a total shock that she seems to be gravitating toward the assholes and the no-shows. Anyway, she started talking just the other night about how a woman doesn’t need a man anymore. Something about modern medicine and how everything can be, well, she was kind of hinting at…” She stopped and looked toward Carly. “You know, I don’t think I should be telling you any of this. Carly told me in secret, and, well, I don’t want to ruin a perfectly good friendship.”
“Just tell me.”
He would deal with any potential fallout, but he needed to know what Carly wanted so he could find a way for her to get it. That is what he wanted.
Sarah smiled. “She’s thinking of either adopting a child or choosing a sperm donor, that kind of thing.”
“What?” Nate nearly spat out the mouthful of beer he’d just gulped down.
He turned toward Carly. There was no way in hell he was going to let another man’s sperm inside her body. It was completely preposterous, and it wasn’t going to happen. Not on his watch.
“Yeah, she was telling me it would be perfect. No more bad dates. No more no-shows, and she would finally get the chance to be what she’s always wanted—a mother.” Sarah sighed. “You know how much Carly wants to be a mother. She wants that more than she wants to be an author. I think Reese being the first one to be pregnant made her realize that time is ticking. She does keep mentioning it a lot.”
“Stop,” Nate said.
Sarah pressed her lips together, but there was still an underlying smile, as if she was concocting some kind of plan. She didn’t say another word. Nate took a deep breath and looked toward Carly. Another man’s sperm inside her, he couldn’t allow that.
“Tell me now, Sarah, are you lying?” he asked.
“No, believe it or not, sometimes I push, sometimes I lie, but this was all Carly, and this happened last night. She was so excited about it. She told me she could cut out all that time attempting to find a suitable partner. Actually, she did call it a mate, but that sounded a little Wolfie to me. I think she’s writing a wolf story at the moment.” She gave a shrug. “What do I know? Other than this is absolutely the truth.” Sarah got to her feet and winked at him. “You’re so very welcome.”
With that, Nate was left alone, and now he wasn’t happy. He knew Carly wanted to be a mother. She’d make an amazing one, but none of the guys he’d kept from her were even remotely good enough. They were all assholes, and he knew for a fact they would hurt his Carly. There was no way he would allow that to happen.
Carly would get what she wanted, but it was going to be by his sperm only.
Carly absolutely loved Misha. She was such a lovely woman, so kind and happy. Clearly, completely besotted with Reese. Not once did she glance over at Nate, Dalton, or even Mitch.
Over the years, each of the guys had brought a girl to them, and none of them had passed the test. Misha didn’t want anyone but Reese, and that meant she passed their test. The guys didn’t even bother to test the women. There was no planned teasing or flirting. They all acted natural.
Reese looked happy as well. The food was a treat. Everyone but Nate looked happy, and she didn’t know what had upset him.
Picking up the empty potato salad dish, she offered a smile to the group and disappeared into the kitchen, which was where she found Nate looking out the window.
“There you are,” Carly said. She put the empty dish into the sink, and was tempted to leave it, but she hated mess. Turning on the tap, she began to clean it.
“I wondered where you had gone to.” With the dish clean, she left it on the draining board until later.
She didn’t want to be rude. Stepping up to the fridge, she grabbed the next bowl of potato salad. Everyone was always so hungry, even if it was the seven of them—eight if she counted Misha as eating for two people. She had hoped for more people to arrive, but she also didn’t mind that it was only the seven of them. She kept reminding herself of the little baby bump.
“Is everything okay?” she asked.