Dalton always tried to stop by the bar where she worked, at least once a week. This was the first time he arrived without a woman on his arm, sucking on his ear. She wiped down the counter, served some customers, and took care of the dirty glasses. She didn’t mind working in a bar, especially as it helped her focus on writing during the day.

She’d never been one to spend a lot of time in bed, so she got up early, wrote, and then got to work around three, and stayed till past twelve. It worked for her, and she had enough money to pay the bills and put a little aside for any special treats she might want. She knew she’d gotten lucky with the apartment and rental price. A little too lucky, but she hadn’t been able to find out why.

The rent money was taken from her account every month, and she had never seen the landlord. Sarah told her not to look a gift horse in the mouth, or something like that. She tried to follow her advice. She didn’t want to owe anyone anything.

At closing time, she wasn’t surprised to see Mitch outside the bar, waiting for her. He flicked his cigarette to the ground and stumped it out.

“Evening, beautiful,” he said.

She rolled her eyes. Mitch had gotten into the habit of calling everyone Beautiful.

“You know you don’t have to stand around waiting for me, or you could at least come inside.” Even in the cold, Mitch waited outside.

Mitch didn’t like alcohol. He had bad memories, ones he refused to delve into, and no one pushed him to explore them. They were his memories. He didn’t mind being around alcohol, but he couldn’t stand others who succumbed to the booze, and he never got drunk.

“I don’t mind, and besides, it’s a nice warm night.”

She didn’t argue. “How are you?”

“Good. You?”

“I’m doing good. I’m organizing everything for the barbeque.”

“I have no doubt it’s going to be perfect. How are you handling the news about Reese?” he asked.

“Fine, why?”

“Come on, Carly, if I was a betting man, I’d have said you’d be the first of the gang to have a kid. You have always wanted a big family. You and I both know it.”

“Yeah, and so far, it hasn’t happened. I don’t think I’m exactly dating material. I can’t get a guy to even appear on a date, much less act nice on one. I think I’m just … bad, you know?”

“You’re not bad, Carly.”

She blew out a breath. “I’m clearly bad luck then or not in the least bit attractive to these men.”

“Why?” Mitch asked.

“They all act like jerks or don’t even show up. Trust me, Mitch. I’ve not had a single good date in all my life. Not one.” She held her finger up to show him. “What does that tell you?”

He opened his mouth and she could just tell he intended to argue.

“I’m nearly thirty years old, Mitch. I’ve been dating since I was eighteen, and they’ve all been awful. Maybe I should have just sworn myself off of all men and dating. That might have been easier.”

“I’m sure there’s a perfectly good reason why your dates have been awful.”

Carly couldn’t even think of a reason. What could have possibly gone so wrong every time?

“Nah, I think it’s me. In the olden days, I’d have been a spinster by now.”

“A spinster?”

“Yes, unwed, or whatever the hell it means, that I’m never getting married or having children.” She shrugged. “I suck.”

Mitch put his arm across her shoulders and pulled her in close. “You don’t suck, and I don’t know who has put this kind of shit in your head, but it needs to stop. Some men are just assholes, and you’ve been unlucky. Trust me. There is a guy out there for you, and he thinks you’re the most wonderful woman in the world, and he will not let anything happen to you. You’ve got to trust me on this.”

She released a sigh and then rested her head on his shoulder. “I hope so.”
