He held her tightly and Carly gave herself over to the pleasure, following his guide as he worked her over his length. She didn’t want it to stop and she felt the build-up once again, but this was different as Nate wasn’t touching her clit. She held onto his shoulders and increased the pace, drawing closer and closer to the peak.
Nate growled against her skin and she felt his cock thicken even more. His grip tightened on her hips, and then she watched, mesmerized as he went over the edge, finding the bliss.
Carly knew she could watch him all day. When it came to Nate, she had fallen in love with him years ago, and she hadn’t told a single living soul how she felt. Not even Sarah.
Nate loved his friends, he really did. They were his only true family, but when they were persistent, and all he wanted to do was be balls-deep inside the woman he loved, they were causing him a problem. Not a little problem but a big one, and he wasn’t happy.
“What do you think, Nate?” Sarah asked.
He’d not been paying attention to anything she said. His whole focus had been on Carly and her needs. He noticed she’d not ordered any alcoholic drink, but then again, it was rare for her to order anything other than a glass of water.
“What do I think about what?” he asked.
“I don’t even know why you bothered coming tonight. You’re off in your own little world.” Sarah rolled her eyes. She gave Carly a nudge. “Do you think he’s got himself a woman?”
He was going to kill Sarah. There was no way for him to do it in front of Carly, so he was going to have to be clever about this. She wasn’t going to make it, though.
“I don’t have a woman,” Nate said.
“Are you seeing anyone?”
He knew exactly what she was doing. “Why don’t you tell us who you’re seeing? Maybe that would be easier for all of us.”
Mitch, Dalton, and Reese joined in and began to tease Sarah about her potential lovers. Nate didn’t know if it would ever change for Sarah, but she vowed to never settle down, to never have children, and all she wanted to do was be a party animal. To love life, and to live it to the fullest. Sarah had come from a large family. She used to say her mother could “spit them out,” but never take care of them. Sarah was the first to end up in the foster care system. The boys were considered more important as they could get them to work, whereas the girls were sent into the system, or something like that. She rarely talked about her other family.
As far as they were concerned, their other family didn’t exist. They didn’t want anything to do with anyone from their previous life.
“I’m going to use the bathroom,” Carly said. She finished her water and stood up. The table went quiet, but suddenly, another loud song with a heavy beat came over the speakers. Sarah and the guys made their excuses and left. Sarah did try to get him on the dance floor, but he refused. There was no way he was joining in with any of that, so he got to his feet and made his way toward the bathroom. There was no line outside the women’s room. There had been a few times over the years when he’d snuck Carly into the men’s bathroom. Stepping inside, he was surprised to see it was empty.
“You’re going to get the gang talking about us,” Carly said. She stood at the sinks, washing her hands.
“They don’t know where I’ve gone. They’re on the dance floor, completely oblivious.”
“Ah, so you made your escape.” She walked to the far wall and took a couple of towels to dry her hands.
“You could say that.” He moved toward her, closing the distance.
“Nate, you do know this is the women’s bathroom.”
“I know.” And he didn’t care. He closed the distance between them, and then, sinking his fingers into the back of her hair with one hand, with the other he banded it around her back and pulled her in close.
She released a breath, and then, before she could even take another, he had his lips down on hers.
He didn’t give a fuck where they were. All he knew was that he needed to touch her, to taste her, to explore her.
He couldn’t get enough of her.
She was so fucking beautiful.
She stole his breath.
“Someone could come in,” she said.
He moved her back, and then closed the bathroom stall, pressing her up against it.
“Good enough?” he asked.