Page 45 of Shadow Charms

“No more Mr. Nice Guy,” he said, his eyebrows knitting as he stared down at the last worm-like creature stretching across the wound.

He snatched a second pair of tweezers, his hands hovering over it. With a quick flick of his wrist, he grabbed hold of the tiny beast with one set, then the other.

It twitched and convulsed, trying to escape.

“No, you don’t,” Dewey murmured as he tugged one side then the other, keeping one set of tweezers tight against the worm’s body.

Paige gritted her teeth as pain shot through her body, radiating from her back into her arms and down her spine. “Get him!”

“I’m trying. Hang in there.” Dewey rose into the air, his wings beating hard as he yanked and pulled.

A scream rose from Paige’s throat, and she squeezed her eyes shut as her jaw fell open.

“Almost,” Dewey said, sounding miles away.

“Hurry,” Paige breathed out as the pressure and pain built.

She felt like her insides were being ripped out. Sweat beaded on her forehead, and her muscles tensed. Blood rushed into her ears before her body relaxed, slipping away into an unconscious state.

Not again were the last words rattling through her brain as the world dropped away.


Paige startled awake with a gasp. She blinked a few times, trying to bring the room into focus.

Something teal joggled in front of her. Her hair moved as an unknown entity stroked it.

“How do you feel?” Dewey asked.

Paige squeezed her eyes closed, rubbing at them before she opened them again. Plastic hit her palm, and she wrapped her fingers around the arm of her glasses before shoving them on her face.

Dewey’s concerned face stared back at her. She pushed against the mattress, trying to sit up.

“Easy, don’t push it. You passed out again.”

“Did you get it?” she asked, her voice unsteady.

“Darn right, I did,” Dewey said with a triumphant grin.

Paige collapsed back down with a huff. “Thank goodness.”

“And there’s more good news.”

Paige flicked her gaze at the dragon’s teal face.

“I identified what it is, and I’m working on a cure for you right now.”

A grin formed on Paige’s lips, and she reached out to high-five her partner. “Yay! What is it?”

“Parasitic vampire worm.”

Paige grimaced, her nose wrinkling at the term. “Like…”

“Like tiny parasites that live in the day-walking vampire’s saliva, blood, et cetera, and are transferred to their victim through a scratch or bite. This is why day-walking vampire wounds don’t heal. These things multiply and grow, feeding off the host until it kills them. Have you been feeling tired lately?”

“A little. I just figured it was the new job and all the travel.”

“It’s likely the parasites.”