Page 4 of Shadow Charms


“Do you want to hang out on the docks for a while first?”

“Nah,” Dewey said. “I’ll watch the sunset from your window. Oh, wait, you have a window, right?”

Paige chuckled at the statement. “Yes, I have windows, and yes, you can see the sunset from them.”

“That’ll suffice,” he said as she wandered through the streets of Shadow Harbor.

They passed the gothically styled buildings as they wound north through the city to the corner SmartMart. The automatic door slid open as Paige approached it. She tugged a cart free and dumped Dewey’s carrier into the baby seat before she continued into the store’s massive snack section.

She slowed as she shoved the cart, with its wonky wheel that didn’t touch the ground, into the first aisle. Colorful bags boasting interesting and unique flavors filled both sides from the floor to above Paige’s head.

“Any chips?” she asked the dragon as she grabbed a bucket of microwavable popcorn and tossed it into the cart’s basket.

“Flaming hot Cheetos, if you wouldn’t mind.”

Paige arched an eyebrow as she searched for the snack and dumped it into the cart.

“This ride leaves something to be desired,” Dewey grumbled as Paige tried to swivel the cart around the corner and into the candy aisle.

It skittered across the tile floor as she fought to tug it into a new position and push it forward.

“That’s my luck,” she said with clenched teeth while wrangling the cart and finally made the turn.

She chucked Twizzlers, Sour Patch Kids, Raisinets, and Goobers into the cart before continuing toward the cold beverages. After loading up on energy drinks and sodas, she made her way to the checkout.

The cashier glanced at the items on the belt, scanning the candy. “Looks like someone’s having a movie night.”

“Yep, we are!” Paige said with a grin as she pushed the empty cart through the checkout and started placing the bags inside.

The woman, whose nametag read Nia, shoved the Cheetos into a plastic bag, flicking her gaze at the carrier. “Is that your dog?”

“Yep,” Paige said, blocking her view by stepping in front of the cart.

“Aww, what kind?”

“Chihuahua,” Paige fibbed.

“So cute,” the girl murmured as she tapped on the total button.

Paige stuck her card into the card reader and waited for the transaction to complete. The reader beeped, and Paige yanked her card from it and shoved it into her purse as the register spit out the mile-long receipt.

“Can I pet him?” Nia asked as she folded the paper and handed it to Paige.

“No, he bites people.” Paige grabbed the receipt and grinned at the girl as she shoved the cart away.

“I don’t bite people, Paige,” Dewey snapped from inside the carrier as she unloaded the bags.

“Yes, you do. You bit that werewolf, remember?”

“Oh, yeah, I did. Okay, fair assessment,” he said as they stepped into the cool fall air. “Woo, it’s blustery out here.”

“Are you cold?” Paige asked as she waddled along with the bags in both hands and Dewey’s carrier banging off her hip.

“Nah, I’m okay. But fall’s definitely here.”

“Yep, check out all the leaves.”