Page 30 of Shadow Charms

“Yes?” Paige said, her lips wrinkling up.

“You’ve got a lot to learn, Paige,” Dewey retorted as he finished writing the recipe. “Magical bloggers are one of the best sources of information. Anyway, we probably have most of these things. I think we’re only missing the Racosa powder.”

“What’s Racosa powder?”

“It’s a reddish-brown powder made from grinding up volcanic rock with a dash of pixie dust.”

“Is it vital to the recipe?” Paige asked as she rose to stand, ready to search for the other ingredients.

“Yes and no. We can probably substitute for it. Like using plain yogurt for sour cream or something.”

“Are you sure?”

Dewey tapped around on the keyboard. “Mostly.”

He clicked an article and waved a claw at it. “Here we go. Substitute straight pixie dust and a smashed-up pebble of any kind.”

Paige narrowed her eyes at the simple solution before she shrugged. “Fine, fine. What do we need? Give me a list to find.”

“Eye of newt–“ Dewey began.

Paige rolled her eyes at him. “Nuh-uh, be serious.”

Dewey flashed the pink note stuck to his index finger. “Eye of newt,” he repeated with a raise of his fleshy eyebrows.

“I didn’t think that was real.”

“Of course it’s real. It’s a fundamental ingredient in many recipes. Just for that, I’m not going to help you. I’ll be up in my nest crushing a pebble. You can get all of this from the pantry shelf in the back corner.” Dewey waved a finger in the direction he’d searched for Dickens earlier before fluttering off toward his home.

“Meet me upstairs when you’re done,” he called over his shoulder.

Paige stared down at the six ingredients she needed to locate before she shuffled in the direction Dewey indicated moments earlier.

“Eye of newt. Wool of bat. Powdered snake tooth. Is he serious?” Paige mumbled as she read down the list.

She wound into another area of the archives and continued past several shelves before she glanced up in search of the pantry shelf.

She slowed to a stop and swallowed hard. Standing between her and the ingredients she needed stood the beastly version of Dickens.

“Oh no,” she groaned.

The cat spotted her, dropped to his belly, and prepared to pounce on her.


Paige shrank back behind one of the shelving units. Her heart pounded as she peeked around the corner.

The massive cat still lay in wait for her to step out into the aisle. With his ears flattened against his head, he prepared for the attack.

“Great,” Paige murmured as she pressed her back against the shelves again. “Now what?”

She glanced down the aisle, wondering if she could circle behind Dickens and reach the shelf.

“Worth a try,” she told herself.

She pushed away from the shelf and hurried down the aisle, peering around at the dimly lit corridor beyond it. Clear. With an encouraging nod, she bolted past several more shelving units until she reached the back wall.

Her chest heaved as she sucked in breaths before swallowing hard and peering into the last aisle. Dickens’s tail swished back and forth in front of the pantry shelf. During her frantic sprint to the back wall, the cat had inched up the main aisle in search of her.