Page 26 of Shadow Charms

Dewey rolled his eyes as the cat’s paw reached around the corner again. “Of course we do.”

“Well, let’s get it!” Paige said, flinging her arms out.

Dewey pulled his teal lips back into a grimace, baring his fangs. “Well, there’s a slight problem.”

“There is a giant cat playing hide-and-seek with us. I’d say the problem is more than slight.”

“The thing is,” Dewey said, buzzing around in the air, “if he ingested the serum and we give him the shrinking powder, he’ll get even bigger, and it’ll be permanent.”

“What if he ingested the growth powder?”

“If he ingested the powder and we give him shrinking powder, he’ll just return to his normal self. We could try the shrinking serum…”

“But?” Paige inquired.

Dewey winced again. “But if we give him shrinking serum and he ate the powder…”


Dewey wrinkled his nose, his horns wiggling. “He’ll explode.”

“What?” Paige asked, her jaw falling open. “Are you kidding me?”

Dewey pressed his lips together and shook his head. “Nope. So we have to be careful.”

“Isn’t there some kind of universal shrinking something or other we can use? Like a fail-safe?”

“Of course. A shrinking cupcake would work no matter what he took. Serum. Powder. Growth spaghetti. Doesn’t matter which format he took.”

“Growth spaghetti?”

“Oh, it’s really good. And the growth meatballs are amazing!”

Paige shook her head and waved her hands in the air. “As interesting as that is, we have to focus. Where is the shrinking cupcake?”

“We don’t have one.”

“What? What kind of library is this?”

“The kind without a shrinking cupcake! Shrinking cupcakes are not easy to come by. We have the other two. The idea is to counteract the growth powder if and when needed, but we never planned on a cat wandering through and eating one of them.”

Paige clamped her hands onto her head and paced in a small square. “Oh, this is terrible. Okay, we need to think this through. What’s the best option? Was he near the growth serum or powder?”

“Both. We keep both on the shelf in almost the same spot.”

Paige lifted her gaze to the ceiling as she shook her head. “That’s completely stupid.”

Dewey flung his short arms out. “Well, we never expected a cat to–“

“Wander around and eat stuff. I know, I know,” Paige said with a wave of her hands. “What are our other options? Will he stay that size if we do nothing?”

“Depends. If he took the growth serum, he’ll stay huge unless it’s counteracted. If he took the growth powder, it’s temporary.”

“How temporary? Hours?”

“Fourteen days.”

Paige pinched her lips together. “Are you kidding me? Two weeks? We can’t let him stay that way for two weeks! He’ll wreck the place.”