Page 20 of Shadow Charms

“Nope, I have two. Two cats.” Paige poked a finger at each carrier. “One, two.”

She shoved her glasses up her nose and grinned at him.

“Right,” he said, narrowing his eyes at her. “Well, have a great trip. Where’d you say you’re going again?”

Paige poked at her glasses again. “Mexico.”

Devon’s forehead wrinkled as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his perfectly fitted jeans. “You’re taking your cats to Mexico?”

Paige giggled before turning serious. “What?”

“I’ve just never heard of someone traveling to Mexico with their cats.”

“Oh, no. I’m not. I’m going to Mexico, but I’m taking them to a friend while I’m gone.”

“Oh, gotcha. That makes sense.” His lips pulled back into a sultry grin as his dark eyes bored into her.

She swallowed hard, adjusting her glasses as heat raced into her face. I’m probably red as a beet, her mind taunted. “Well, I’d better get going.”

“Right. Well, have a great time in Mexico.” He offered her a wave, his eyes lingering on her as he turned toward the steps.

“Thanks!” Paige answered, grabbing the railing as she slipped down the first step, nearly spilling down the entire set.

The smile faded from her face as Devon disappeared up the stairs and Paige continued her trek down them, lugging the two carriers and her suitcase with the duffel bag balanced on top.

“Nice going, Paige,” Dewey hissed from her right hip.

“Sorry, I didn’t expect my suitcase to accost Devon.”

“It’s what happened after the suitcase flattened him. You act like a kid around him.”

“I can’t help it! He makes me nervous.”

“Because you think he’s hot,” Dewey said as they reached the lobby and Paige rolled the suitcase along the grimy penny tile.

She pushed into the cool night air outside and dragged the suitcase down the few stone steps to the sidewalk below. “I do not. That has nothing to do with it.”

“Whatever. I still don’t like him.”

“You just don’t like him because he’s hot.”

“Not true. I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s something off about him. You should steer clear of Devon LeBlanc.”


Did Dewey have a point? Maybe Devon was one of those nice guys who would turn out to be a serial killer. Maybe his good looks helped lure his victims.

Paige shook her head, dismissing the ridiculous idea.

“And why, pray tell, should I steer clear of Devon?” Paige asked as she stared up at the waxing gibbous moon partially obscured by a cloud. “He seems very nice. He helped me when I fell. He didn’t complain when I stepped on his foot. He wasn’t upset when my suitcase ran him down. And he even helped me repack. He seems like an all-around nice guy.”

“You’re just saying that because he’s hot. If he was ugly and helped you pack, you wouldn’t give him a second thought.”

“That’s so not true, Dewey.”

“It is, Paige. I’m telling you. There’s something wrong with that guy.”

Paige rolled her eyes as they wandered down the street past the still-bustling coffee shop. “You’re goofy. You just don’t like him because he’s good-looking.”