Page 15 of Shadow Charms

A sickening bang resounded when the wood smacked off the dark, angular skull. The beast released Dewey, roaring from the hard hit.

Paige dropped the bat at her side, her chest heaving with effort. “Dewey, hide!”

The little teal dragon scrambled to his feet on the cushion he’d landed on moments earlier. He bared his teeth and snarled at the massive creature hovering above him.

“Go, Dewey,” Paige shouted.

Dewey leapt from the sofa, flying into the air and skirting around the creature.

He reached Paige, landing on her shoulder. “Let’s go!”

Paige nodded and took a step toward the door when the vampire whipped around, sniffing in their direction.

She froze, her eyes shooting wide as it took a step toward them.

“Go, Dewey,” she whispered as a tear rolled down her cheek. “I’m trapped, but you’re not. Go!”

“I’m not leaving you, Paige,” Dewey shouted.

The beast snarled again, the massive white fangs dripping with saliva.

“Go, Dewey,” she hissed. “Call for help!”

Tears welled in the little dragon’s eyes as he wrapped his paws around her head and squeezed. “I’ll get help.”

He let go and launched himself off her shoulder, darting past the beast as it pivoted toward Paige. He flitted into the bedroom, disappearing through the door.

Hot breath wafted over Paige’s pale skin while the beast closed the distance between them. It tossed the coffee table aside as though it were made of cardboard.

Paige stumbled backward, her lower lip trembling and her eyes trained on the hulking creature. Her glasses slid down her sweaty nose. She stared at its glowing red eyes, piercing through her. Dark flesh stretched over bony cheekbones.

Her breathing turned shallow, and she struggled for air as she collided with the wall behind her. A whimper escaped her lips, and she pressed her hands against the cold surface.

The beast stalked closer, yellowed claws raised and ready to strike and pointed fangs bared. Sweat beaded on her brow, and tears streamed down her cheeks as she squeezed herself against the wall.

She was trapped. She had nowhere to run. Help wouldn’t arrive in time. Her wound, given to her by the same beast, wouldn’t kill her like they thought.

The beast itself would end her life.

She wondered how painful of an end it would be as the vampire stretched its neck forward, its flat nose coming within inches of her face. She twisted her neck, pressing a damp cheek against the textured, mauve wall.

The creature hissed, and its hot breath blew across her skin. Her nostrils flared as a metallic scent wafted to them.

She squeezed her eyes closed and balled her hands into fists as she prepared for the end of her life.


Paige smashed herself against the wall as the vampire hovered in front of her, pressing ever closer. His clawed hand smacked against the painted barrier next to her and scraped down the plaster.

Chunks of mauve rained onto her shoulder, and she gasped before squeezing her lips together, waiting to die.

The beast pressed his nose almost against her cheek, red eyes glowing as it stared at her. It inhaled deeply before growling and spinning away.

Paige let out a breath, her eyes wide as she stared after it. It stalked to the center of the room and sniffed in the air before letting out a loud howl.

Paige swallowed hard as she tightened her grip on the bat. Her shoulders pushed down her back, and she started to raise the weapon when the creature stalked toward the bedroom.

Her breathing quickened, wondering if he’d caught Dewey’s scent again.