Page 146 of Shadow Charms

“Why don’t you go upstairs and lie down for a bit?”

“I’m okay,” Paige said, giving her mother’s hand a squeeze. “If you don’t mind, I think I’ll just stay here and stretch out on the couch.”

Reed nodded at her, unfurling the fluffy blanket and draping it over Paige after she kicked her shoes off and slid her legs onto the mauve cushions. Paige settled back into the pillow behind her as her mother leaned over to kiss her forehead.

Reed strode from the room, and Paige popped up, wandering to the fireplace. She ran a hand along the mantel, studying the pictures.

She eyed an image of herself holding a bouquet of flowers at a dance recital, another of her sitting on Santa’s lap, and a third of her holding up an Easter basket with a toothy grin. She paused at the picture of her and her mother standing in front of a decorated Christmas tree in this very room.

She lifted the photo from the shelf and stared at it, trying to recall the memory. Had they had hot chocolate? Yes, she thought so. She recalled sipping the warm, chocolaty beverage as she hung the gingerbread man ornament on the tree.

Paige stalked across the room, her eyes never leaving the photo in her hands. She collapsed onto the couch and snuggled into the blanket. Holding the photo overhead, she traced the line of her smiling face. Why did it seem fake?

She hugged the frame close to her chest, scanning the room. “This is real,” she whispered.

Something tugged at the back of her consciousness. Images flashed into her mind. A large library. Never-ending shelves. A teal blur flew around her.

She shook her head, squeezing her eyes closed for a moment.

“Paige!” a voice called.

Her breath caught in her throat, and her eyes opened wide.

She pushed herself up to balance on an elbow, glancing around. “Hello?”

Only silence met her ears. After a moment, she settled back down, still clutching the framed photograph to her chest. She blew out a long breath, staring up at the ornate tray ceiling.

It skittered across her vision, fading in and out. She sucked in a breath as the voice called her name again. Tan stones replaced the warm living room for a millisecond.

Paige shot up to sit, gasping as she slid her gaze around the room.

She grabbed the couch, digging her fingers into the velvety cushions. “What is happening to me?”

“Paige, focus. Come on. You’ve got to come back.”

Paige grabbed her temples, squeezing her eyes shut. “No, stop it.”

“Paige. Listen to me. It’s Dewey. Come back. I don’t know what it’s promising you, but you’ve got to come back.”

“Dewey?” Paige questioned.

Pain shot across her forehead. A blurry image formed of a teal face.

Paige gasped in breaths, doubling over and sliding her eyes shut. “No, stop!”

The room shuddered around her again.

“Come on, Paige. Work with me here. Whatever you’re seeing isn’t real.”

“What? No, this can’t be real. I’m hearing things. I must be under way too much stress.”

Paige massaged her temples before she fluttered her eyes open and grabbed the photograph. She focused on every detail. But something wasn’t right.

She couldn’t recall owning that sweater. She tried to pull the memory of decorating the tree back into her mind. Her mother faded from it. The room morphed. She hung an ornament on the tree as a cat rubbed at her legs.

“Dickens,” she breathed.

“Yes, Dickens, that’s right. Your cat,” the voice said. “Now, try me. Dewey. Your little dragon pal.”