Page 14 of Shadow Charms

Dewey darted into the living room, wriggling under the couch next to the cat.

He raised a chubby digit to his lips as he eyed Dickens. “Quiet, kitty.”

Paige’s shoulders slumped. Far too big to fit under the couch, she needed another hiding spot.

The footsteps came closer. A chuffing sounded followed by a snarl.

Paige skirted around the island separating the kitchen from the living area and ducked behind the counter, pressing her back against the cabinets.

She fought to steady her breathing. Her lower lip trembled as tears formed in her eyes. Her body shuddered as the slapping sound of the footsteps approached closer.

Closer. Closer.

A chittering broke the momentary silence, causing her to jump.

She froze, holding her breath, every muscle tense. She bit into her lower lip hard until she could taste the metallic tang of blood on her tongue.

The thumping feet shuffled across the floor again. Paige swiveled onto her knees and slowly poked her head up.

She sucked in a sharp breath when she spotted the beast. A hulking black monster stood feet from her. Wings poked from its back, and horns twisted out of its head.

Long, razor-sharp claws stuck from the end of the human-like fingers. Piercing red eyes scanned the room. The creature sniffed in the air as it took another step.

Spittle dripped from white fangs as its hulking form snarled again before the awful chirping echoed through the room.

Paige swallowed hard as she followed its path across the room. Sweat beaded on her forehead, and she clutched the edge of the cheap countertop.

The beast pounded across the hardwood, sniffing again before it whipped its head in the direction of the living room. Its mouth opened with another hiss as the claws on its webbed feet tapped the floor.

It waddled closer to the couch before noise exploded. The television sprang to life. An intense action scene played out. The creature whipped its head in the direction of the noise, diving toward the device.

The television teetered on the stand before crashing to the floor. The screen cracked, splintering the image of Blade into pieces and cutting off the sound.

The creature leaned its angular face closer to the device and sniffed before rising slowly. Its nostrils flared again, and it turned toward the couch. With a low growl, the beast approached the furniture piece.

Paige’s heart seized. Dewey and Dickens sheltered under the sofa. The creature must smell them. She shook her head as it crouched down, sniffing again.

Her throat went dry as a clawed hand slid toward her new friend and beloved cat. On shaky legs, she rose slowly and inched her way toward the hall leading to the front door.

She couldn’t let the beast kill them. She had to help. She backed down the hall toward her door. She slid her gaze sideways to the coat closet on her left. She eased the door open, reaching blindly inside for the baseball bat she kept there.

With a wince, she slid it from the corner and wrapped both hands around it as she approached the massive creature.

A hiss sounded from under the couch, and Dickens slinked from underneath, ears plastered against his gray head and his body low to the ground. He shot across the area rug before he hit the hardwood. His claws skittered as he sought to find traction and flee into the bedroom.

The beast’s red eyes followed the cat’s flight for a moment before it turned back toward the sofa. Nostrils flaring, it bent again in search of the little dragon still hiding under the couch.

It thrust its clawed hand underneath. A yowl sounded, and the creature yanked its arm back. Dewey dangled from its sizable paw by his back leg.

“Ow! Let go of me, you massive brute!” The little dragon flailed, his wings flapping furiously as he attempted to escape.

Paige rushed forward, bat high over her head, and swung hard, smacking the creature’s wing. The broad black wing flicked outward, slamming into her and knocking her back a step.

“Get out, Paige. Go!” Dewey shouted, still hanging from his ankle.

Paige recovered, wrinkling her nose and setting her jaw. She whipped a wayward lock of hair from her face. Anger coursed through her as the creature dangled Dewey in the air, sniffing at him.

She stormed forward, bat raised high, and swung again. And again. And again. The bat cracked against the creature’s wing, then its back, and finally, its hairless head.