Page 12 of Shadow Charms

Dewey’s head bobbed up and down. “Right here,” he whispered.

She flicked the lights off in the room, plunging them into darkness before she hurried across the space, scanning the outside.

“Where is it?” she breathed.

Dewey spun to face the glass. “It’s right…” He searched the area. “No! It was right there!”

Paige’s breathing turned ragged as they both scoured the alley. “Where is it?”

“I don’t know!” Dewey cried, pressing his face against the pane as he stared up, then rotated his eyes to the narrow street.

“Are you sure you saw it?”

“Yes! Right across from your window. Big red glowing eyes staring in here.”

Paige wrapped her arms around her torso and shuddered. She gave the outside a final scan before she reached for the mini-blinds and released them. They slid over the pane, getting stuck halfway.

“Ugh, are you kidding me?” she groaned, tugging at the blind to release it.

It let loose with a snap, sending her stumbling backward. She cracked into the bench at the foot of her bed, losing her balance and plopping onto it.

Dewey quickly spun the rod, closing the blinds completely. “Hopefully, it’s gone.”

“Hopefully, this talisman works.”

“I’m betting it does. The thing left. Probably couldn’t find you in here.” He flitted across the room and offered her a hand, pulling her to stand.

Paige nodded and swallowed hard as she studied the closed window covering. “Are you sure you saw it?”

Dewey dropped her hand and crossed his arms, fluttering in the air. He narrowed his eyes, annoyance creeping onto his teal features. “Yes, Paige. I saw it.”

Paige lifted a shoulder as she straightened the bench she’d knocked askew. “I’m just asking because sometimes the lights reflect weird and–“

“I saw two glowing red eyes on a big creepy black body, and it was right–“

An ear-splitting boom interrupted Dewey’s explanation. The building shook as the power flickered on and off before surging back to life, shining through the door into the darkened room.

“What was that?” Paige whispered, her eyes wide.

Dewey flicked his bulging eyes at the glass, then back to Paige.

He tapped a clawed finger toward the window and hissed, “Vampire.”

A shiver snaked down her spine. Her lips parted, and she held her breath as she stared at the window hidden behind the dusty mini-blinds. She crept forward to the glass, peering through the broken blind that curved downward, leaving a small gap.

“Careful, Paige,” Dewey said, flying to her and landing on her shoulder.

He balanced himself, placing his paw on the top of her head.

Paige swallowed hard as she approached the tiny opening and pressed closer to the window. Sounds of her labored breathing filled the air while she scanned the outside.

“What do you see?” Dewey inquired, tapping the top of her head with his paw.

“Stop that,” she said, waving her hand in the air. “I can’t see a thing. The window’s all fogged.”

“Fogged? From what? There’s no fog.”

“There’s fog. Look for yourself. It’s right there. All fogged. Can’t see a thing.”