Page 119 of Shadow Charms

Dewey’s eyes widened. “Gun? Gunshot?”

“Someone else is hewe,” Paige whispered.

“Probably those damned pixies. But how did they get a– WHOA!”

Dewey flew from the car backward. Paige stared after his receding form, her jaw tensed. She flattened herself in the car as she stared up at the large, white hand holding Dewey upside down by the ankle.

“Ahhhh,” Dewey shouted as he kicked and struggled to free himself.

The massive creature lifted him closer to its face, sniffing at him with a large blue-black nose.

“Put me down, you brute,” Dewey shouted.

The creature tossed Dewey away like a tissue. The little dragon smacked into the stone wall and slid down it.

“Paige!” he called before he appeared hovering over the mine car. A purple-blue bump rose from his fleshy eyebrow. “They have the Holigramium! Do something, quick!”

“Do what?” Paige spit out with her large tongue.

“Use your hammer hand and hit him!”

Paige stared down at her bulging hand then shot a determined glance at Dewey. “Wight, hewe I come!”

She shooed Dewey aside and climbed out of the mine car. “Hey, woser, drop that howigramium.”

The large, furry, white creature spun to face Paige.

Paige swallowed hard while she shot a glance at Dewey.

“Hit him,” Dewey shouted.

Paige nodded and cocked her fat fist before she swung forward, striking the animal in the chest.

“Hit him in the jaw!”

“I can’t weach his jaw,” she said. “He’s hooge!”

“He’s a yeti. What d’you expect? Climb on top of the cart and slug him a good one!”

“Eti?” Paige questioned.

The large creature growled at Paige, his yellowed teeth showing through his thick fur.

Paige winced, scrambling onto the mine cart to stand taller.

“Deck him,” Dewey shouted as he buzzed around the space.

Paige pulled her arm back and flung it forward. Her swollen skin smacked into the yeti’s blue-black lip, smashing it against his lower fang.

The creature roared in pain as he stumbled backward a step before he fell back, cracking his head against the ground. The ground rumbled below them. Paige wobbled on top of the mine cart before falling into it.

The yeti grunted, dazed from the hit, as his arms fell to his side, his hands unfurling out of fists.

A glowing, yellow crystal orb fell from his paw and rattled across the ground.

Dewey dove down and snatched it. “I got the Holigramium! Punch him again, and let’s get out of here!”

Paige climbed onto the edge of the mine car and balanced on the edge before she leapt off and landed on the hairy beast below her.