Page 128 of Shadow Charms

“Come on. Ancient entities wrapped in bandages running around the desert?”

“We literally just ran into two yetis, and you can’t get on board with the idea of mummies.”

“Okay, fine. There are mummies. So we’ll have to avoid the mummies, too. This isn’t helping. Give me my notes back. There has to be something else here.”

“What book did you get that out of?”

“Umm,” Paige said as she scanned the paper. “Magical Add-ons and Other Paraphernalia.”

Dewey poked at the screen for a moment, then tapped on the buttons. “Here we go. Let’s see.”

Paige rose from her cozy nest and circled behind Dewey to peer over his shoulder as he scrolled through the book’s information.

“There,” she said, pointing at the screen. “Ogres of the Tipult Canyon offered it as a tribute to a powerful Pharoah in the middle of the first century BC.”

“Okay, that narrows it down.” Dewey poked around on the screen again, pulling up another page. “Thirteen Pharaohs in that time. Let’s see if any of them are buried in the Valley of the Kings.”

Paige’s shoulders slumped as he scanned the article about the valley’s permanent residents. “Great. They’re all from the earlier dynasties.”

She wandered back to the couch and plopped onto it.

Dewey tapped around on the screen again, staring down at it for a moment. “You don’t think… Nah.”


“Middle first century BC. And the pixies recently found this crystal,” Dewey murmured.

“Spit it out, Dewey.”

“You don’t think it’s in Cleopatra’s tomb, do you?”

Paige crinkled her brow before understanding set in. “The one they just found? That Edwards woman, you mean?”

“Yeah, her and that guy that looks like Sawyer from Lost. It was all over the news.”

“Oh. Oh, wow, I wonder if you’re right.”

“There have got to be precious gems in that tomb. It fits with the timing. And the pixies could have an in with someone hired to help with the excavation and cataloging.”

“So, we need to take a trip to Cleopatra’s tomb.”

“Sounds like a blast,” Dewey said, tossing the RP aside.

“Do we have a connection there? Someone we can trust who will give us the crystal to archive?”

Dewey grabbed his communication device and tapped on it before flying over to join Paige on the couch. After a few moments, Ronnie appeared on the screen. “Paige, Dewey, what’s the…“ She stopped, her eyes going wide before her forehead crinkled. “Paige, are you okay? You look a little…”

“Purple,” Paige said.

“Random side effect from the cure I gave her for the vampiric parasites. Which, by the way, is working beautifully. I’d guess by the time we get back, she’ll be completely cured.”

“Great. Will she stay purple?”

“No. Just temporary, six months or less.”

Ronnie offered a slow nod as she continued to study Paige’s purple skin.

“Anyway, Ronnie, we’re onto something here with the Crystal of Increased Energy, and we need to know if there are any friendlies at a specific site.”