Page 125 of Shadow Charms

“Maybe hide down inside the snowbank. Just do something because he’s almost here!”

The ground shook when the enormous snow monster pounded his way toward them. Snow pelted them from the branches above, smacking Paige on the back while she struggled to find her footing.

She finally found enough solid ground to push herself up to stand, twisting to find the large creature nearly on top of her. Moonlight glowed against his white fur, making him look even more menacing.

Paige winced, throwing her arm in front of her to shield herself, though she was certain it would do little to fend off the attack.

The wind stung her skin where her jacket and glove pulled away from each other, exposing it to the icy air that whipped past her. The charms on her bracelet danced in the breeze, tinkling as she squeezed her eyes shut, preparing to take her final breaths.

The yeti charged toward her with a raised fist.


The yeti froze, its thick fur blowing wildly as it stared at her for a moment before it sniffed the air, then spun and disappeared into the trees.

Silence surrounded them when the thunderous footfalls died down. Snow continued to fall, dampening any natural sounds of the forest.

“Paige?” Dewey called.

Paige’s chest heaved as she sucked in deep breaths of the icy cold air. She glanced around in search of her attacker, her brow furrowing. “He’s gone.”

“Yeah, and I’m not complaining. Let’s get the snowmobile back up and get out of here.”

“Right,” she said, still staring into the woods in search of the snow beast.

After a moment, she swallowed hard, wresting the snowmobile from the snowbank and restarting its engine.

She climbed aboard and revved the engine. “Nestle in. We’re going all the way to the airstrip.”

“You got it,” Dewey said, bumping against her back as he shifted around in the carrier.

Paige gunned the engine, sailing away and finding the road. After twenty minutes, she passed her now snow-covered vehicle, continuing on toward the airstrip.

The snow slowed and came to a stop as they traveled farther south toward the airfield. Within five miles of the runway, the snowmobile sputtered and died.

Paige swung it into the trees, climbing off. “Guess we walk from here.”

“How much farther?” Dewey questioned.

“Maybe four, five miles,” Paige said as she trudged along the edge of the road. “There’s a lot less snow here. Let’s hope we can take off.”

“I’m really looking forward to being in Egypt after this.”

“Are you cold?”

“I’m cold, but I’m okay. I’m not freezing like I was before. Your scarf is keeping me nice and toasty. And I’m sure the adrenaline helped.”

“I really thought we were dead back there.”

“When we hit the snowbank and the yeti charged us?”

“Yep,” Paige said with a nod, readjusting the carrier on one shoulder and her tote on the other. “Why did he run away?”

“Maybe he got too cold.”

“He’s an abominable snowman. I’m not sure that can happen.”

“No idea. Maybe your purple skin.”