Page 45 of Desperate Vows

Lifting his glass, he stood and smiled. “Thank you all for coming. I’m only sorry Yasmin isn’t here. She would have loved seeing her little girl get married.”

Claire tensed at the mention of her mom’s name. I didn’t know if she realized it, but her eyes were squeezed shut, and she was practically glued to me. She lied to me about seeing Franklin. That was a fact, but there was no faking this reaction to him. I just couldn’t believe she was that great of an actress.

“To the happy couple! Claire, much like your mother, you are full of surprises. I hope this marriage is long and fruitful. Lucas, I’m glad to call you family now. To you both, I can’t wait to see where the future takes you.”

Franklin leaned down, kissed Claire on the cheek and whispered in her ear low enough that I couldn’t hear it, but I knew it was bad when she buried her face in my chest.

When he took his seat, each member of my family toasted to us. They wished for our success, our happiness, and enduring love. There was genuine happiness that we had found each other. Alexander gave his toast before my new wife relaxed and looked at the crowd. She stayed flush against me.

“Are you okay?” I kept my face forward and my attention on Alexander.

“Please don’t ever leave me alone with him ever again. Promise me,” she quickly whispered. Something in her voice made me look at her. There was no mistaking the fear swirling in her eyes.

“Okay, I won’t.” All the anger I’d felt before washed away. “We’re a team now, right?”

She nodded and, if it was possible, drew closer to me.

Thea was last. She lifted her glass as she stood. “I thought I’d hate having a sister, but then I met you, Claire. I’m so glad you’ve joined our family. I couldn’t have picked a better woman for my brother. Lucas, take care of my new sister. I love you both and wish nothing but happiness and a long life together.”

Well, damn. I had no idea Thea had that in her. It was actually sweet. I thought she even meant it.

Dinner was delicious because Lykos catered it. We have the best chefs in the city, but I was biased, rightfully so. We moved on to cutting the cake. The bakery she chose delivered a home run. The cake was almost as good as my mom’s. I didn’t care who baked it; nothing would ever be as good as hers.

When the music for the first dance began to play, I looked at Claire. Elvis Presley? I Can’t Help Falling in Love with You?

Her eyes met mine. “Don’t read anything into it. I love Elvis, and I like this song.”

Without a word, I took her hand and led her to the dance floor. We began dancing. “Elvis, huh? I must admit, I didn’t see that coming.”

She had that smart-mouth grin on her lips when she looked up at me. “Everyone always thinks they have me figured out. Joke’s on them.”

I tangled my fingers in her hair just to feel the silkiness of it. “If I ask you a couple of questions, will you answer them?”

“Ask, and I’ll let you know if I can answer it.” How did I know she’d use my words?

Cocking my jaw, I chuckled. “You’ve left your hair down since you moved in with me. Why?”

For a moment, I wondered if she was going to answer. “Because I know you won’t cut it.” She lifted her head, and her eyes met mine. “Our trust is new and not exactly solid, but I know without a doubt that you won’t hurt me like that.”

Wrapping my arm around her waist, I lifted her off the ground and brought her closer. “He cut your hair?”

“Twice. He butchered it so badly that it couldn’t be fixed. After the second time, as soon as it got long enough, I began braiding it. I thought that way, even if he cut it, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad that I’d go to school, and the kids wouldn’t make fun of me.”

I cupped her cheek and brought her lips to mine. Between kisses, I whispered, “He’ll never have that opportunity ever again, and if by chance he does, I’ll cut his fingers off one by one.”

She shivered against me before her lips brushed across mine. I took that as a sign that she approved. I didn’t even hear the song end. We were standing in the middle of the floor, sharing one of the best kisses of my life, when the crowd erupted in hoots and hollers.

A rosy blush bloomed on her cheeks as embarrassment hit her. The attention didn’t bother me. I wanted to tell them to shut up and go back to kissing her, but knowing my Aunt Helen, she would have taken me by the ear, pulled me from the dance floor, and made me regret it.

The rest of the night was a bit of a blur. We danced, we kissed, we mingled, we kissed some more. The bouquet throw turned into pandemonium when Marianna and Athena dove for it at the same time and collided. It was like watching a wrestling match. Finally, Aunt Helen rushed to the floor, grabbed both by the ear and led them away. She was talking so fast; I didn’t know if she was using English or Greek. All I knew was they were in trouble. Thea swooped down and picked it up, walked over to Anna, and handed it to her. I almost expected the woman to break down in tears, but she just took it and smiled.

Then came the most interesting part of the night: the garter. I was aware that this would be part of the ceremony, but now that I’d spent most of the night making out with her, it felt different.

The crowd parted, and Alexander and Ari carried in a throne chair, walked to the middle of the dance floor, and set it down.

Claire blinked and looked at me, her eyebrows knitted together. “What is this? I don’t?—”

It was obvious this wasn’t something Claire planned.