His lips twitched up, and I could feel the evil radiating from him. “That fortune is rightfully mine,” he spat, and quickly regained his composure. “I’m suggesting an alliance formed by the union of you and my daughter. I’d also hope that the butcher of West Loop could persuade my daughter to be generous enough to share her good fortune…us being family by then.”
What was he saying? He wanted me to kill his kid for money? Surely, I heard him wrong. In our world, family meant everything. The only time that ever came into question was betrayal. That was when things could get dicey. What had Claire done to him? Or was he simply trying to cut the head off a snake? I didn’t know either of them, so in my mind, it was a toss-up. “I’m surprised you wouldn’t want all of it.”
“My daughter is not the purest nor the most attractive. Her husband needs to be paid for his inconvenience. If it were me, I’d want compensation for my trouble.”
If Franklin was looking to call me his son-in-law, then he was clearly willing to break fingers until the money was signed over to him. It wouldn’t happen, but the thought rippled through my mind anyway. Two hundred and fifty million was a lot to just sign away for inconvenience. “How can this individual be assured that you wouldn’t just take his half, too?”
He took a breath. “I can see where someone would be hesitant. That’s why suggesting the alliance.” He held up his hands. “I know your family isn’t as strong as it once was, no disrespect intended, and this alliance could bolster us and give us a better advantage.”
It would, and were this three years ago, I might have truly considered it. “It sounds like your daughter isn’t exactly thrilled about giving up half her fortune. Two hundred and fifty million seems like a steep price for such a contentious plan.”
His obsidian eyes glinted. “She’ll do what I tell her to do. As for the trouble, there’s a reason the vows include ‘til death do us part.”
Holy…“ And you wouldn’t seek revenge for her death?”
His chest rose and fell twice. “I’ve used my power the past twenty years to hide her mother’s unfaithfulness from the public, and the only reason Claire’s lived as long as she has is because of that trust. I don’t care what happens to her once I get what’s due.”
The news that Claire wasn’t even his blood made the situation even more convoluted. I couldn’t help but wonder if she knew.
“I know I sound harsh, but my soul belonged to her mother. I worshipped the ground she walked on. I’ve never loved anyone as deeply as I loved her. My heart was ripped from my chest the moment I discovered her betrayal. It was my love for her that kept that child alive, but it’s come to my attention that she’s got plans to take over the family before I’m ready to relinquish my position.”
Now, the picture was growing clearer. This was a vie for power. It made me wonder which of them was the bigger snake. Claire hadn’t struck me as the cutthroat type, but she was a Benoit. Why I’d even given her the benefit of the doubt made me feel like a fool.
They’d both made a play and now I was going to use them to get what I wanted. I looked at Ari. “I’ll need time to think it over.”
“I figured you might say that.” He pulled open his suit coat and withdrew an envelope, handing it to me. “I’m having a dinner party tonight at my club, Nocturnal. I’d consider it an honor if you’d attend. You can meet my daughter, and maybe that will help with your decision.”
Without studying it too hard, I nodded. “Thank you for the invitation. I’ll see what I can do about attending.”
We finished up our business just as the club’s traffic began picking up for the night. Ari and I were quiet until we were safely behind the door of my office.
Ari was the first to speak. “He’s playing us.”
“Don’t I know it. Claire Benoit was here right before him, wanting the same thing,” I said as I took a seat behind my desk.
“Wait. His daughter was here?”
“She left just as you walked in.”
He set his hands on his hips. “They’re both playing us.”
“Agreed.” I pulled my phone from my pocket. “We need to call the family in.”
I already knew what was going to be said and the sacrifice I would be making. Still, I wanted the backing of my family. Alexander, Dimitris as well as Thea needed to know who and what we might be up against. If the Benoit’s were making a power play, there was a chance it could make it harder for us to continue to make good on our promise.
Either way, I was about to throw my grenade between Claire and Franklin and see who flinched first.
My bet was Claire.
Chapter Three
It was a relief to arrive home and find my father absent. His dark presence always dimmed the place. Without him, it felt peaceful, welcoming, and safe. I could pretend he didn’t hate me and that I was part of an ordinary family with ordinary parents. More than once, I wished that was so.
Today was a little different, though. There was an undercurrent of tension that created a knot between my shoulders. He was throwing a party tonight, and I suspected a curveball in my direction. However, I couldn’t imagine what, unless…surely, he wouldn’t announce my engagement tonight.
I made my way through the massive foyer, turned left, and ascended the stairs to my mom’s room. When I reached her door, I took a breath and opened it. Instantly, the profound gaping hole in my chest ached. It’d been six months since she died, and I still had the habit of looking for her as soon as I got home.