Page 5 of Just One Night

“I’m sorry. We’re completely booked. I only have one room available, with a king-sized bed.”

I look at the man standing beside me, who’s brushing the water out of his hair with his hands. When he’s done, he looks at the man behind the counter and then at me. “I’m happy to share a room.It’s just for one night, right?”

I give him a smile and nod in acknowledgement, and I turn back to the man behind the counter. “The one room will be fine, thanks.”

He processes the reservation on the computer and gives me a form to sign. My passenger friend reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet.

“It’s fine. I can take care of this,” I say, reaching for my own wallet.

“No, please, I insist. After all, it’s the least I can do after everything you’ve done for me tonight.”

“Okay,” I say, putting my wallet away.

He moves toward the counter and hands the man his credit card, and he processes the payment. Once he signs the form, the man behind the counter hands him back his credit card and two key cards.

“Here you are, sir. You’re in room sixty-nine. Just up the stairs, down the corridor and to your left.”

We both look down at the cards in his hands, and then at one another, trying desperately not to laugh. After thanking the man behind the counter, we follow his directions up the stairs, and after walking only a few feet down the corridor, we come to our room. He places his card inside the slot. I notice the reader turn green and there’s a slight click. He pushes the door open, and we step inside. He places the card inside the reader that’s inside the room, and the lights turn on. Aside from the king-sized bed occupying most of the room, the only other amenities are a small refrigerator, a bathroom, and television. There’s also a sliding door on the opposite side of the room that I can only assume leads out onto a balcony. The door closes behind me and I move to the center of the room where the bed rests and sit down on it.I untuck the bottom of my shirt from my pants, remove my shoes and socks, and lie down on the bed. The other man also removes his shoes and socks, then opens his backpack and fumbles through the contents. He pulls out a pair of white briefs, and places them on the floor before tossing his bag down beside the nightstand. He makes his way around the bed and heads toward the bathroom.

“I’m just going to get out of these wet clothes.”

I nod.

I place one hand behind my head on the pillow, and the other up the inside of my shirt and I stare up at the pale, white ceiling. After a few minutes, the door to the bathroom opens and he steps out, wearing nothing but his briefs. My eyes immediately narrow in on his chest, slowly making their way lower … and lower … and––

“Does it bother you if I don’t wear a shirt? I usually sleep wearing the bare minimum, but I left in such a hurry that I didn’t have a chance to pack anything.”

“Except your briefs?” I question.

“I always keep a pair in my backpack. I travel a lot for work, and sometimes I’m away from home for the night and I need something to sleep in. You never know where you’re going to wake up.”

I nod again and reply, “No, it doesn’t bother me.”

Not in the least.

He makes his way over to the other side of the bed and lies down beside me, also looking up at the ceiling. We lie there for what feels like a long while, not saying anything and it suddenly occurs to me that I don’t even know this guy’s name. I turn my head to the side so that I’m facing him. “Hey, I never asked you your name.”

He smiles and turns his head to face me. “Dylan,” he says.

I reciprocate with a smile of my own. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Dylan.”

He rolls over until he’s now lying on his side.He props his arm on the bed and rests his head in the palm of his hand. “And what do they call you?” he asks.

I roll over to my side, mirroring his position. “People call me a lot of things. But you can call me Carter.”

You know what’s funny? How fate just throws things at you, or a coincidence that brings two strangers together in an inconvenient circumstance. Well, that’s exactly what’s happened to me. I don’t know how much longer I would have been stranded out there, on that practically deserted highway, if this mysterious stranger, lying next to me, hadn’t come to my rescue. To complicate the situation further, I certainly never anticipated finding myself being attracted to a guy I’ve barely known an hour. But there’s just something about him that makes everything feel … right.

“Penny for your thoughts?” he asks.

“I don’t think there are enough pennies to repay you for what you’ve done tonight.”

“No payment necessary. I guess I was just in the right place at the right time.”

“I guess that’s a typical clichéd response, but honestly, if you hadn’t come along, I don’t know how much longer I would have been stranded out there.”

He gives me a wide smile, and there’s something about the way he’s looking at me that makes my cock weep to be freed from its confined residence inside my briefs. It’s crazy, right? Having known someone for only a short period of time and they’ve made such an impact on you that you just can’t stop thinking about them.That’s the kind of shit you only read about in romance novels or movies. Except, this is neither a movie nor a romance book. This is real-life, and the man lying beside me may not be Christian Grey, but he certainly ticks all the boxes. Tall, handsome, and although he has his shirt on, I can tell that the guy obviously works out because his biceps are almost popping out of the shirt.

“Are you checking me out?” he asks.