
“Yeah?” She pauses on her way back to the stove, her head tilting over her shoulder to look at me.

“You know I love you, right?”

She smiles weakly but not meeting my eyes.

“I know and I love you too. Now,” she claps her hands. “Pancakes!”

It isn’t until later that night when I finally hear Hella’s bike pull up outside. After eating pancakes, I had told Melissa I was tired and she showed me to my room. It’s exactly as she said it was: a media room. There’s a massive U-shaped couch that is so big it could be used, and is being used, as a bed. Hella’s house is large, but it only has three bedrooms. One is being redecorated right now so it has everything stripped out of it and the other is Garret’s room, which I didn’t want to intrude in, so here I am on the biggest couch in history, I’m sure. The deep rumble of the bike cuts out and the front door opens before I hear Melissa’s hushed tones mixed with Hella’s deep words. Flicking the puffy blanket off me, I tiptoe to the door and press my ear against it.

“What do you mean?” Melissa asks angrily.

“I mean that they’re brothers, Melissa.” I hear Hella’s heavy footsteps and the loud stomping intensifies as he hits the kitchen tiles.

I already know that, of course, but I want to hear if there is anything else going on as well. Not that I know whether or not Hella and Melissa share that kind of information with each other, but I wouldn’t put it past them; they are that obsessed with each other. At one point, I thought it was downright unhealthy and that they were an inch away from killing each other, but now I think I understand it a bit more. Not that I loved Raze. That’s not it at all, and even just having that thought floating around in my mind gets on my nerves, but I get the hate-mixed-with-lust part, at least.

Realizing I’d been too lost in my thoughts to follow any more of their conversation, I begin walking back to my bed when Hella’s voice catches my attention.

“Raze has little amount of loyalty to Kurr, but Beast isn’t trusting his words right now, so we have to figure out how we’re going to come to a compromise. And unfortunately your little sister, who by the way, Miles nicknamed puddin’, as in Harley fucking Quinn puddin’…” He pauses and I hear Melissa chuckle under her breath. “Not funny, babe. That scares the fucking shit out of me. Now I got two crazy fucking Harts under my roof?”

So that’s why Miles calls me puddin’. But that confuses me further because if my comic knowledge is up to scratch, which if I’m being honest, isn’t very knowledgeable, Harley calls Joker “puddin’”. So, in good Miles fashion, he’s nicknamed me after The Joker. Does that make him my Harley? I grin at the thought.

Poor Hella, stuck with the both of us, but I smile at the tone behind his words. I got to know him a little before the night I was taken, and I saw how he was with my sister. Back then, I hated what he was doing to her. He had even used me in one instance to get her jealous, but I was in love with how much he loved her. I could only wish to share something so beautifully chaotic like Braxton Hella Ward and Melissa you’re-a-fucking-pain-in-my-ass Hart—his words, not mine.

“She has a big part to play in this transaction.”

My eyes narrow and I press the side of my face onto the wood until the skin around my ear is numb.

“What does that mean, Braxton? I won’t be using my sister as bait for any bullshit deal again. I only just got her back.”

I hear glasses clinking. “No one’s saying anything right now, baby. Calm down. But I saw the look in Raze’s eyes. I know that look.” He stops and Melissa grunts with a tight moan.


“Yup. He owns that shit whether she wants to admit it or not, and from how she reacted with his side chick…?”

“Side chick?” Melissa questions. “Millie said it was like, his live-in whore, and Millie said she was marrying him?”

Shit. Do I want to listen to any more of this? No. Can I step away from the door though? Definitely not.

Hella laughs. “That bitch Cassia ain’t no wifey, and Millie ain’t no side chick.”

“How can you say that with confidence, aside from the fact that you’re a cocky jerk?”

He chuckles deeply. “Mmm, baby, ‘cause he claimed her ass right on the spot. Said point blank that that girl in there…” There’s a pause, so I imagine him pointing his finger towards my door, which gives me creepy feelings that they can see right through the wooden barrier. “…is his.”

Having heard enough, I step back quietly towards my bed and climb back under the warm blanket. What the hell does that mean? And why am I always kept in the dark?


I pound my fist onto the sparring mitts as sweat trickles over my arms and down my torso. “Bossman, you have a lot of pent-up energy this morning…” Miles begins, his hands held up in

place with the mitts for me to pummel my fist against.

“Shut up, Miles.” I pause, unwrapping my fists and walking to the corner of my gym. Taking a drink

of my water, I keep my eyes on Miles as he drops the mitts and walks towards me. “Can I just say—”