“Oh, you have no idea.” He pauses and I laugh, raising my head to watch the front of us, my cold heart twitching in my chest.

“The clubhouse?” I whisper, watching the hot embers of the bonfire in the back travel up into the dark night with the music blaring in the distance. Metallica probably, or 50 Cent, if Melissa and Hella have control over the sound system. “Why?”

He searches my eyes. “I want to remind you that there are people who care about you, pet.”

“Oh, no,” I shake my head. “Not this ‘save Millie’ bullshit again. Raze, no offense, but you and Miles are both the most inhumane people I’ve ever meet!” I point down to the clubhouse. “And that’s including them, so that’s a massive statement!”

“Maybe, but we weren’t what you were before, pet. You had it all. I know I fucked up letting shit get out of hand in the dungeon, but I didn’t give a fuck at the time. Right then, you were a means toward a plan so I didn’t care. I sure as fuck didn’t expect you to have an impact on me either.”

He sets me down and I step towards him, my hand brushing over his chest. “Raze? I don’t want it back. You need to stop this shit. When you release me, I won’t be coming back here.”

He cocks his eyebrow, running his index finger over his upper lip. “And just where are you going?”

I smile. “To Cancun with one hundred nuggets and to sip margaritas on the beach.”

He laughs, his head tilting back and his straight white teeth on display. “Okay, baby, let’s go.”

He called me baby. Not Millie, not pet, but baby. My happiness is short-lived because a gun cocks and we both freeze. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t my favorite nun.”

Oh crap. A smile spreads across my face.


I pull my eyes away from Raze and turn them towards who I know owns that voice. “Frost.” I grin and lock my eyes onto his.

“Jesus, fucking look at you! What the fuck!” He gasps, dropping his gun and walking towards me.

“Jesus, Millie! We all thought you were dead! Melissa—?”

“I don’t want to talk about Melissa, Frost.”

Raze steps up in front of me and the air shifts. Frost’s eyes find his instantly.

My hand flies up to Raze. “Don’t, he’s fine.”

“What’re you doing here?” Frost asks, pulling a cigarette out of a carton and placing it in his

mouth. His dirty blond hair contrasts against his tan skin and dark green eyes. He has a couple tattoos on his face, one being an upside-down cross that sits under his eye. It used to bother me, but not so much anymore. Under all the tattoos and with eyes that could probably melt the panties off most girls, he’s hot, but he’s Frost and he’s one hundred shades of psycho. Which seems to be my type as of late.

“Just came to see if everything was fine. This is Raze…”

Frost’s eyes come up to Raze’s and for a few seconds there is complete silence. “You look familiar.”

Raze laughs. “I doubt it, son.”

Frost laughs. “Son? We look the same age.” He shoves a hand in his pocket.

“Maybe in age, but that’s not what I was talking about.”

“Okay!” I butt into the pissing contest. “We’re going to go. Please don’t tell anyone I was here, Frost.”

A shuffling noise is heard in the bush behind Frost and Raze pulls me behind his massive wall of muscle.

“Jesus, what the fuck?” Hannibal steps out and I cuss under my breath. “Holy shit, Millie?”

I step around Raze and smile. “Hey!”

Hannibal looks to Raze before stepping toward me and wrapping his huge arms around my waist, pulling me in for a hug. “Whoa, put me down.” Hannibal steps back, his hands gripping around my arms as his eyes scan up and down my body.