“I don’t like Raze very much.”

“Hmmm?” Miles smiles. “He seems to like you.”

“Who did you say you were again?” I ask, tilting my head.

He shrugs, pulling out a couple of slices and placing them on the table. “I didn’t.” He rolls the sleeves of his shirt up and pulls open a drawer, taking out a butter knife. He starts spreading mayo on the bread and building a sandwich. He pushes my plate to me and I smile. “Thanks.”

Picking up the sandwich, I take a bite before placing it back down. “Why am I here?”

“You’ll know in good time.”

I continue eating until every bit is gone and my stomach tightens from being so full. I actually feel quite nauseated; I probably shouldn’t have eaten so much all at once, considering I had nothing but water the whole time I was in the dungeon. My curiosity is scratching at the back of my head, wanting to ask more questions about Miles. I can’t put my finger on him; it’s as though he has this very different personality that shines through him. I don’t know what to make of that.

He nudges his head, pulling me out of my thoughts. “Come on. I’ll take you back.”

I pick up the empty plate and place it into the sink. When I turn back around, I see the same darkhaired girl walk in wearing a glamorous black dress with sequins embedded into the skimpy material. Her hair is up in a high elegant bun and her makeup is done to perfection. I hate her.

She looks at me up and down, her lip curling. “Ew.” She steps away from Miles who’s watching her with careful eyes. “Look what the cat dragged in.” She moves towards the fridge and pulls out a bottle of champagne.

I look at Miles who’s watching me closely. “Come on, Millie.”

“Millie?” The girl laughs.

“Shut the fuck up, Cassia,” Miles snaps at her.

She pauses for a second before placing the bottle back into the fridge. Picking up her fresh glass of champagne, she turns to look at me. “You won’t last long here, honey. Raze likes them hot. He doesn’t do lost little puppies.”

“I’m not lost.” I clamp my mouth closed after replying. I didn’t want to start anything with this girl, especially if I have to live under the same roof, but seriously? She’s rubbing me the wrong way and my frame of mind right now is already fragile.

Miles begins to slowly make his way towards me. Cassia pauses, her glass an inch away from her mouth. “Oh, but of course you are.” She empties her champagne down her throat before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. “But that’s okay. He’ll get bored with you, like he gets bored of every girl who’s not me, or Ella.”

She taps the counter just as another person walks into the kitchen. When I look up, my eyes lock onto Raze’s. I raise my eyebrows and give him a knowing smirk. “Okkkaaay,” I say slowly, acting as though I’m not fazed or threatened because that’s the only thing that annoys girls like Cassia. If they think you don’t care about their bullying, they get more annoyed than if you bite back. I had Melissa as my sister, and as much as I love my sister, she was a lot like Cassia. I look at Miles, who is still staring down at me. “I’ll go to bed.” I go to walk around Raze, but he doesn’t budge. “Move, please,” I say softly, my eyes remaining on the ground because truthfully, the man terrifies the bejesus outta me. He terrified me in the dungeon, and more so out here. I don’t know why, but I get the feeling that whoever he is in this world— his world—it’s something I should definitely tread lightly on.

He doesn’t move.

“Raze!” I look up at him, his eyes searching mine. “Can you please move?”

He’s wearing a new suit now, same colors, but this one is fresh and clean. His scent is more prominent at the moment with a hint of soap. His ash blond hair is slicked back on the top like he usually styles it, with a little gloss shining through. They obviously have big plans tonight and they look great together.

He snatches my hand and begins tugging me up the stairs. I look over my shoulder to see Miles watching me closely with a small smile on his mouth. Once we’re down the hallway, I try to pull my hand out of his with no success. “Can you let me go please?” He doesn’t reply. It’s not until he pushes me into my room and steps in behind me, kicking the door closed with his foot, that he finally speaks.

“One?” he says, walking towards my retreating body until the backs of my legs hit the bed. “You don’t need Miles to take you to your fucking room.”

I swallow. “Wait, I thought—”

He cuts me off. “Two? Stop asking questions, and just know that if I want you to know something, I’ll tell you.”

“Wait, can I talk?” He looks down at me, so obviously annoyed. “Because I have a few questions.” He stares at me blankly, like I’m the most frustrating female on the planet and he’s never had a woman, or probably anyone, question his words. Raze isn’t an alpha; he’s the alpha. He probably wipes his butt with sandpaper. There you go, that was funny. A small voice laughs in the back of my head.

He takes a seat on the bed and loosens his tie. “Shoot.”

“Why am I here?” I start off light, easy.

“Because I need your help.”

“Yes, but with what?”

He looks at me. “With something that involves you and that’s all I’m giving you for now.”