Standing, the stool crashes and falls behind me and I lean down, taking her legs in my arms and

swinging her over my shoulder.

“Raze!” she yells, banging on my back. “Put me down, this is not funny!” She lets out a slight giggle

and I raise my hand up before slapping across her bare ass from her skirt falling over her back. Miles walks down the stars and wolf whistles. “Still the best ass I’ve ever laid eyes on.” My eyes

narrow. “And touched.” One hand grips around the back of Millie’s thigh while the other launches out

to Miles’ neck.

I clench his throat in my fingers with a smile. “Talk about her ass like that again and you won’t be

getting any for an entire month.”

Miles’ mouth drops open. “What? You the ass controller too, now?”

I continue walking up the stairs. “I’m the controller of whatever the fuck I want.” “Sorry, puddin’!” Miles yells out.

Rolling my eyes, I walk back down the hallway and towards my bedroom door before kicking it

closed and taking her ass to bed.

Two days later

“Raze?” Millie says from my bed, the black silky sheets clutching her body.

“Mmm?” I continue to tie up my boots.

“Can you be careful, please? And take care of Miles?”

I chuckle, standing and reaching for my holster vest and throwing it over my bare chest. “We’ve

been doing this for a long time, baby. We’re good. You just need to stay your ass here and sit tight,” I nudge my head, “until we come home carrying Kurr’s head on a stick.”

She laughs. “That’d be interesting.”

I smirk, turning to face her while throwing one of my black t-shirts on. “No joke. We can have a bonfire afterwards.”

She smiles sweetly. “Okay.”

Walking towards the bed, I bend down and press my lips against her forehead, inhaling her sweet, feminine scent. “I’ll be back.”

“You will?” she asks, her eyes glazing over. She’s scared, which takes me aback. Ever since she’s been out of the dungeon, Millie has turned out to be one of the strongest women I know, so seeing fear in her summons a feral and predatorial side of me to the surface.

“Yeah, babe. You think I’d die knowing that someone else will be tapping this ass while I’m rotting in the ground?” I smirk. “Fuck that.”

She laughs, throwing her head back. All her worries and stresses are gone for that split second that she let herself laugh. “That would probably be Miles.”

I shrug. “Then if I go down, that fucker is coming down with me.”

She laughs harder and I bring my lips to hers again, catching her off-guard. I was only supposed to kiss her quickly, but as soon as her soft lips connect with mine, I want to savor it. Bringing my fingers to the back of her head, I pull her face in deeper. She opens slightly and her little tongue slips into my mouth and licks mine softly before retreating. I growl, pulling her bottom lip in between my teeth and readjusting my cock that now presses against the zipper inside my jeans.

“Those lips are gonna get me killed one day.”

“Like the kiss of death?” she asks, tilting her head.

I laugh. “Yeah, the kiss of death.”