
“And that’s a little fucked up. You love Millie, I told you.”

I spin on my heel. “Shut the fuck up about love.”


“I’m not wearing that.” I spin my barstool back around to face the bar, bringing the rim of my glass to my lips and taking a long gulp.

Frost laughs. “Oh, come on…” He brushes his index finger over his upper lip. “Do you know how many women wish they could wear this?” He flashes me a boyish grin, which has me smiling slightly. Not because he’s funny, because he’s not, but because Frost is the bad boy package all in one. He is decked out in tattoos, including that upside-down cross under his eye and the words “The Devil Should Run” in script going over the hairline on his forehead. But when he smiles, he has these perfect white teeth, kissable lips, and eyes that would have you getting lost in wonderland. He stands around the same height as Raze, though he’s not as big; Frost is more lean, strong, and in proportion.

I laugh, shaking my head. “No! This was a stupid idea.”

He chuckles before letting it die out in defeat. “Okay, okay. But for real though, if Raze hadn’t pissed all over you, I’d take you.”

“Take me?” I smirk, turning my full attention to him and placing my glass on top of the bar. “You’d have to catch me first, and wanna know a secret?” I grin and his shoulders square, his eyes turning molten under his now hooded lids.

“Yeah?” Cocky fucker.

“I run so much faster now without my little nun outfit on.” Frost smiles a full beam smile just as Melissa taps my arm.

“Oh? Now it’s a nun costume? What happened to ‘It’s a Habit, Melissa’?” She uses a manly voice when quoting me.

I down the rest of my drink. “Habit was a stupid name. He here?”

Melissa laughs, taking my arm. “No, but we should wait outside. This is going to be like one big pissing contest.”

Picking up my bag from the ground, Frost pushes off the bar to follow us out. “I honestly don’t understand how we have the misfortune of knowing so many testosterone-filled, alpha, bossy, domineering men.”

“Ahhh, my fault!” Meadow raises her hand as we make our way towards her outside. All the rest of the Devil’s men are standing against the barn in groups here and there, almost waiting for battle.

“It’s not your fault,” I whisper, looking at all of them. “I feel like a piece of meat.”

“Sorry, babe. They all wanted to be out here, you with Frost and all that…”

“They all know it’s bullshit,” I whisper under my breath. “So why the fuck are they here?”

“It doesn’t matter,” Melissa whispers back into my ear just as we see the Phantom pull up. “The title is what they’re loyal to, not whether or not you’re in love.”

The crunching from the gravel comes louder as the car gets closer. Parking in front of me, the back door swings open and Raze gets out with a smirk on his face. I shake my head with a roll of an eye. Buttoning up his suit jacket, he looks down inside the car and reaches out his hand. Ella climbs out of the car, standing to her full height, which is impressively tall. If I had to guess, I’d say she was around five-ten or eleven. But looking at her brothers, you wouldn’t expect her to be little and short. She’s thin though; Victoria’s-Secret-model thin. Lucky bitch. Bet she can eat anything and not put on weight.

“Lucky bitch,” Melissa mutters beside me, stealing my thoughts.

“Right?” I agree and then think about it. She might fall on the other scale. It’s so easy for people to call skinny girls thin and think it doesn’t affect them, but truth be told, it does affect some. Sometimes it can be just as offensive to call someone skinny as it is to call someone fat. Shaking off my thoughts, I bring my eyes back to Raze to see him watching me carefully while guiding Ella towards Beast and Hella.

“She’s really beautiful,” Meadow whispers, her hand resting on her bump. “I can see the resemblance to Beast and Raze, but more so Beast.”

“Wait until you see her eye,” I whisper back.

“Shhh!” Frost says from behind us with a grin. I whip my head over my shoulder and scowl.

“You shhh. And hide that patch!”

“What? This?” He stretches it wide and my eyes bug out. I launch forward to snatch it, only to trip on thin air and fall into his body, pushing him backward. Everything goes in slo-mo as I look up into his eyes in surprise and a sly smirk creeps onto his mouth. His arm hooks around my back and his body falls to the ground. Then we’re falling, both landing with a thud on the ground with my legs straddling his waist and the property patch in my hand.

Frost’s hands rest on my hips, his head cocked to the side. “Jeez, Mills. I told you to wait until you got back.”

I push off his chest and throw the patch onto the ground next to his laughing body. “Shut up!” Dusting off my pants, I look up to Raze who’s frothing at the mouth. My eyes widen at him and I slowly shake my head. Understanding sets in and his shoulders loosen.